Poll: Home Alone: How Often?

The scenario: You are at home. No other human beings are in your home. You are fairly certain that no other human beings will be in your home for the next hour (or more).

On average, how often are you in this situation?

Now - a couple times a week. ( I voted several, even though a couple is not really several)

From August - November last year - at least 4 days a week for up to 10 hrs each day.

I miss those days sometimes!

Almost never; in fact I can’t remember the last time I was home and there weren’t four million kids and husbands crawling all over me. Well, maybe just three children and one husband.

Answer: Answer: Most days.

I work at home sometimes. The wife is at work and the kids are at school. It’s nice and quiet.

Almost never. I stay home with my baby daughter and am almost never away from her. The only times I can think of when I’m in the house by myself are when my mother-in-law visits and takes her out walking.

And then the cat wants belly rubs. No, there is no time in my life when nobody wants anything from me.

I live alone, so guess how I voted.

Almost never. I really, really miss that.

Pretty much every day. It’s heaven!

I was alone in my house for about a year or so then I got a roommate, then replaced him with another roommate > > > 5 years later I am BLISSFULLY alone all the damn time. I LOVE IT!

Almost never - wife & 3 school age kids. The rare times it does happen (like when they’re visiting my wife’s parents) the house almost gets spooky.

First, why do you want to know :dubious: what’s your angle?

I voted once (or twice) every few weeks. Unless you count the cat.


When I was growing up as an only child, all the time.

As an adult with a family (wife and 3 school aged kids), I’m the first one out the door and the last one back home at night, so I’m at home alone pretty much only when I’m home sick on a school day - a few times a year.

For the past 5 weeks my husband has been working 9-5 outside the home and I work from 3-11. So after I drop him off I have the place to myself. It’s wonderful! Before that I could have gone weeks, months even, never being alone in the apartment. It would get to me sometimes- I’m glad to have a little me time lately. I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it because it will all change in April when I have a baby.

I usually get the house to myself maybe once a month, if that. I miss it, but when I have it, I get bored and start cleaning (it really needs it).

Several days a week for me. I’m more or less alone but have my daughter about half the time. Once she’s off to bed the house is virtually empty as she’s a pretty heavy sleeper. I suppose I could vote ‘every day’ since even on the days I do have her I still run home from work to let the dogs out and at that point it’s devoid of humans other then myself.

Every day, for almost the whole day.

I live alone so pretty much any time I’m home.

I take 5th.

Every day for a few hours. I love the time to myself.