Poll: How often do you go to church?

Every Sunday. Christian Reformed.

Probably three times a month. I used to go pretty much every weekend, but I moved to this area to spend more time with my siblings and their families. They live 150 miles away and I work a regular work week, so when I go visit them, I go over the weekend. Then if I’m getting an early start to head back home, I’ll skip church. If not, I’ll go with my sister. If I’m in town, I go to church here.

So a couple times a month I attend Methodist services in my town, about once a month I attend UCC services in my sister’s town, and about once a month I skip.

I’m a Methodist.

Services itself? I think I’ve been once in the past four years. If a church itself counts, then twice. The second time was a fish fry at my mother’s church that I attended at her invitation and so that the minister could meet and possibly convert her heathen son.

I just ate my fill and left. It was good fish.

Same here.

My father is a pastor. I haven’t been to one of his services in… years, definitely years… probably about 9 years. I will be attending one of his services in January, however. And that is only because for the first time ever he will be getting his own church building. (That and the fact that I’ll be married there in less than two years.)

Last time I actually went to a church would have been just over a year ago. Girlfriend’s family is Catholic and I suffered through a service to appease her family. Never again, freakin’ Catholics.

Weddings, funerals, baptisms or Christmas pageants. Once a year to once every couple of years.

I’m agnostic, leaning to atheist.

Twice a year, on Easter and Christmas. Actually, Good Friday instead of Easter - it’s a terrifically creepy service.

Someone (a religious sort) called me a “flower Christian” once - I only come when there’s an abundance of flowers on the altar.

I’m a Lutheran.

Every Sunday, and most holy days. Sometimes, I’ll miss one of the lesser holy days, like if I’m too hung over on January 1st to go to the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. (Who decided that we absolutely must have a holy day on New Years, even if we don’t really need another one or have anything to celebrate then, anyway?)

In case it’s not screamingly obvious by now, I’m Catholic.

My Gay Men’s Chorus rehearses every Sunday night, in a church. Aside from that, never.

Not being affiliated with any religion whatsoever, my answer is: Never.

I quit the Baptist church long ago. I don’t go to any church now unless there’s a funeral or wedding in one.

I’m thinking of going to a Quaker meeting.

Other than twice for funerals, I haven’t been in a church since the mid-'70s.

Three times a week. Church of Christ.

Due to my night work schedule being very irregular lately, I’ve missed a couple of Sunday and Wednesday evening services this month on account of being asleep.

My parents make me go every Christmas. Myself, my sister, and my two brothers are all atheists (as is my mother, incidentally) but my mom is heavily involved in the church because she’s friends with a lot of the woman and I think they want to keep up the appearance that they didn’t raise a bunch of heathens.

We had this really intelligent well spoken minister for five years or so and I wouldn’t mind going because I really did enjoy hearing what he had to say. Ever since he left it’s a real drag. Now my siblings and I try to keep busy by looking for spelling mistakes in the bulletin.

Only if I’m at my Mom’s. So perhaps once a year.

Funerals and weddings and occasional services at Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco when I’m there for the weekend. I love this place! I took my daughter there for the first time for a Christmas service some years ago. Afterwards she said, “They never mentioned Jesus. How odd.”

Glide Memorial Church

Occasionally a doper will ask what to do in San Francisco during a short visit and I’ve neglected to advise this experience. It’s awesome!

Maybe once a year to couple of years. Not of my own volition, usually, but it’ll be with family or a friend invites me home for Easter or the like. I’m agnostic leaning Christian.

I attend funerals and weddings. Apart from those occasions, not being religious, church (any sort) just isn’t part of my life.

We go most weeks. Our church is pretty much the hub of the community here and has very fuzzy, inclusive edges.

Every week on Sunday. Well, almost every week. But it was more or less characteristic that this summer when I missed 3 consecutive weeks at my local church, I attended church with family at their local churches twice. (And skipped church completely the 3rd week.)