POLL: How was your vaccine reaction?

Got my J&J about a month ago, had two days of injection site soreness, and then fine. I feel lucky reading some of the reactions above.

Got my first Pfizer shot on 3/25. Hardly felt the shot at all but my arm did get sorer as the day went on. That lasted about a day. I was extremely thirsty all day long that day. Not sure if it was related or not but I felt like I couldn’t drink enough water. I get my second shot 4/15, I’ll report back again after that.

I had a sore arm after both shots and a general feeling of fatigue that lasted a day. The second shot also gave me a case of the chills, which only lasted about 10-15 minutes.

Sore arm both times. No other symptoms the first time, but mild flulike symptoms (fatigue, body aches, general malaise) after the second. Both lasted a day. I had Moderna. My husband got Pfizer and had the foresight to do pushups right after; he had only very mild arm soreness. My BIL and SIL got the one-shot J&J and had no symptoms. Lots of people at my work are getting their second shot now and mostly finding it tolerable but not pleasant.

Interesting, minus the knot that’s what happened to me on Pfizer shot #1. I didn’t watch them give the injection, I looked away, so I didn’t have a good sense of exactly where it was. Later in the day I had moderate soreness at what I assumed was the injection site. Imagine my surprise when I looked in the mirror and saw the bandaid was high up on my arm above where I felt the (mild) soreness.

I also had a slight fever for a few hours, and possibly some fatigue, but it was no big deal.

The next day I felt great and had a super-productive, energetic day, probably because I felt good about being vaccinated.

Moderna. 1st, nothing. 2nd, mild fever and quite bad body aches (but not SUPER bad) from about 18 hours to about 30 hours afterwards.

Pfizer, first shot only so far. That evening my arm hurt enough that getting things off shelves over my head took some effort, then fine the next day.

Curious if anyone here has had reactions to other vaccines in the past. ThisOneGal has twice gotten bad hives from the flu vaccine and so has been holding off on the Covid one.

Had to look that up, thought it was a new one.

I can give you one more sample. I had the J & J shot and had no side effects at all, not even a sore arm. Even looking closely I couldn’t tell where I was injected. Now you have conflicting reports, hope that helps.

Read a little further and apparently I’m odd man out. Lucky to be me!

Several days later. Pretty much normal but still get a little ‘spaced out’ from time to time. I lose my mental focus periodically. I have also felt dehydrated and had to start forcing myself to drink water. I sometimes feel like this after recovering from a harsh viral infection and wondering if the vaccine reaction isn’t just mimicking that experience. Hope it goes away.

First vaccine: Site pain for about 24 hours, headache and minor bodyaches that lasted a few days. Really not so bad.
Second vaccine (two days ago): My arm hurts and is still slightly swollen at injection site. Decent headache and bodyaches, mitigated by Tylenol fairly well. Tired, but have been unable to sleep. No change in thirst, but I drink a lot of water anyways.

How did I make such a bad misspelling?! I meant “Pfizer”.

I have had both shots of the Moderna. First shot, sore arm. Next shot, sore arm and I was really sleepy all next day. That was it. I was in fact prepared to call in sick the day after jab #2, but other than a strong desire to catch some ZZZs, nada.

I got the Pfizer vaccine about 5 weeks ago on a Saturday at about 11 am. No immediate side effects, and didn’t notice anything until about 2-3 pm, when I was very and unusually fatigued. Not sleepy or drowsy at all, just a very odd sort of physical fatigue. Getting up was a lot of effort. The fatigue lasted about six hours, and went away at about 8 pm like someone flipped a switch. Very weird. My arm had a little knot and was fairly sore for about a week overall after the first shot.

Second shot was much less eventful- fairly sore arm for about 4 days, and residual soreness for a week.

Meanwhile, my wife had minor soreness after the first shot and that was it. However, the second shot hit her pretty hard- fatigue, fever, body aches, severe headache, etc… for about a day and a half.

I wonder if “COVID arm” is due to something in the vaccine itself, other than the actual mRNA? I had a very similar reaction to a tetanus shot once as an adult- deltoid area swelled up, turned red, got sore and stayed that way for weeks. Tetanus isn’t even viral either.

Got my first shot last Saturday, hardly felt the needle go in. Just before I went to bed my right shoulder started to ache a bit. Woke up about 2 and I could hardly move my shoulder. Took a couple Advil and tried to get back to sleep. Finally nodded off about 3, woke up at 6 and my shoulder felt close to normal. My wife had the same reaction. We received the Pfizer vaccine.

Moderna - 1st shot – arm sore about 24 hours. Day 2 it was still about as sore, but less constant (I answered 2 days). I think I had very occasional pain day 3, but very mild and not lasting long.


1st Pfizer - a bit of arm soreness for a couple days.
2nd Pfizer (right at 24 hours ago) - a bit of arm soreness. That’s it so far.

My only definite side effect both times was soreness at the injection site. I could feel it for about three days if I pressed hard on the spot, but it was only 1 day before I couldn’t feel it short of that, so I answered 1 day.

The night after the first shot, I didn’t sleep very well, but that might well have been unrelated (I mean, that just happens sometimes), or it might have been that I usually sleep on the side that was sore, so I’m not counting that.

Pfizer 1st shot yesterday. This vaccination made my arm noticeably more sore than any vaccine I’ve had in the past (deltoid muscle). But it’s not distressing or incapacitating.

Pfizer: arm sore for 2, maybe 3 days, but less sore than a typhoid shot many years ago. No other reactions.

I had the misfortune to encounter someone who tested positive the day after we met, and starting feeling unwell four days later (two weeks after the shot). I think I have COVID. I also want to thank Pfizer, because - so far - it has not been bad. Mrs Ded also caught COVID, tested positive, and is not happy, although probably not in danger. However, the sneaky thing about COVIS is that it can turn nasty at the 7-9 day mark.

If I stop posting, y’all will know why.

Since it’s been mentioned, I have had an extremely sore arm and a big painful wheal from a tetanus shot. It happened when I couldn’t remember the date of my last tetanus shot and so they gave me one when I was getting stitches. I later remembered that it had been less than a year since my last shot. The pain and wheal were right at the injection site and in the deltoid muscle. My covid shot pain was, I think, in part of my biceps.