poll : is your feet the same size as your forearm?

mine is. also my neck size is half my waist size.

so what other parts of the body correlate? is it the same for everyone?

Foot/Forearm= Close. Mu foot is about an inch shorter.

Neck=15 inches
Waist= 32 8nches

My foot is just a little shorter…maybe a half inch. I’ll have to get back to you on the nexk/stomach ratio once I get some measuring tape.

nope and nope

foot and forearm yes, which is strange as I have smaller feet than a friend but her arms are shorter than mine, and her feet and forearm are the same length … ?!?


My foot is about 3 inches longer than my forearm. And you know what they say about guys with big feet…They have big ears.

Apparently your arm span, fingertip to fingertip, should be the same as your height. Works fine for me - 6ft top to toe, 6ft arm span. Having spent years telling Mr Sqwert that he had inordinately long arms, he tried out the arm span thing only to find somewhere along the way he has acquired the arms of a man at least 6" taller than he is. There must be a bloke out there somewhere who can never reach the bottom of his pockets, if all things are equal in this world. It may also explain the unusual scuff marks that appear alongside his footprints in the sand…he is still whooshed when his friends call him Clyde. Mind you, he does have very long feet so maybe its just the rest of him that is mismatched. He sounds like a freak. I’ll stop now.

No, foot is shorter. No, neck is more than half smaller.

My reach (arm spread) is almost exactly equal to my height, barefoot. 6’4"
My size 13 feet are about an inch shorter than my forearms, measuring to the heel of the hand.
My hand spread (tip of thumb to tip of pinky) is just over 9 1/2".
I won’t tell what size Big Olaf is, because I don’t like to frighten people unnecessarily. :wink:

Feet are about 1/4" longer than my forearm
Very roughly measured, my armspan and height are equal
Don’t know my neck size

Armspan: 72 3/4 inches
Height: 68 3/4 inches

Forearm: 10 inches inside (bicep to hand)
11 inches outside
Foot: 10 inches

Neck: 15 3/4
Waist: 34 3/4

My feet are a little longer than my forearms (just measured) assuming the heel goes into the crook (inside) of your elbow. Neck size is not equatable to waist size for me either.

My feet are a little longer than my forearms (just measured) assuming the heel goes into the crook (inside) of your elbow. Neck size is not equatable to waist size for me either.

forearm: 10.5
Foot: 10.5

Waist: 32
Neck: 16

Height: 73
Armspan: 72.5

oh i measured my feefoot to the inside of my elbow too, if outside it would also mean an inch difference.

my armspan is way shorter than my height. that must mean i have short arms :(, but they are just one palm shy of reaching my kneecaps if i stand up straight, arms down.

Feet/forearm = 10.5/10.5
neck/waist = 19.5/41
height/armspan = 72/71.5

An amended report! My foot to forearm comparison was from the point of the elbow to the heel of the hand. When the foot is laid inside the crook of the elbow, a bit more difficult, the foot is longer by about an inch. Big Olaf’s dimensions remain confidential.

My foot is about 2 inches shorter than my forearm

My waist is 30 inches, and my neck is 13 inches

Arm span to height comes out pretty close

Foot’s half an inch shorter than my forearm.