Poll: IYO, is December a great big ninny?


I have to mention that I have seen some positive change - when he first came 'round, I asked him for a cite on something, and he linked to an Amazon.com ad for a book in which he claimed he got the piece of info. While that ranks as one of the worst answers to a call for a cite, he has improved.

Now, if we could stop him from reading OP ed pieces and referring to them as cites, that would be a bonus.

I don’t think December’s a ninny at all, and this from someone who just wrote him a post in another thread telling him he’s full of it.

I don’t agree with him about everything, and I do agree that A) he’s an ideologue and a partisan, things I distrust, and B) his outlook on some things seems almost deliberately simplistic. But hey:

  1. I’m not Einstein, either, and have my own biases, so it would be pretty fricking hypocritical of me to say someone else is a ninny or having thiers. I don’t mind telling december he needs to take the ideological blinders off now and then because I don’t mind being told I’m wrong, because I often AM wrong. But I’m not a ninny so why should I think he is?

  2. There are worse ideologues on the SDMB from all sides of the political spectrum. I can think of a super-partisan Democrat and a dedicated Marxist who have both had Pit threads started about them, but both are good Dopers who make many interesting and debate-fuelling posts, so what’s wrong with that? There’s another poster who sometimes appears to base their entire worldview on what a select few magazines tell them, sometimes even to the point of ignoring other, more relevant evidence; s/he’s still smart and useful. There’s a poster who just won’t shut up about how he’s gay… oh, sorry, Esprix. (D&R)

I think there is a very substantial difference between someone who attempts to engage in reasoned debate but who you might personally feel is a little overly partisan (e.g. December) and someone who’s just a nutbar (Jack Dean Tyler) or an outright racist (that Orion guy) or who won’t follow the fundamental rules of SDMB debate (Wildest Bill.) The latter three are ninnies. December is not.

50% ninny, 90% troll.

There are Dopers who can present the conservative POV with intelligence, civility, and tact … and then there’s december, with the patented “Why do liberals support this atrocious event I’ve mangled from the news media” message-posting style.

Here’s a thread I just noticed where I think he shows he’s not a complete bitch of the Republican party:

By the way, anyone notice there’s actually THREE pit threads against December active now? Is that a record?

I often don’t agree with december’s logic, but in my experience people have gnerally responded with the same level of logic, along with personal attacks. If december is a ninny, so is 90% of the SDMB.


Anyone who pisses off Guinastasia can’t be all bad.

I think DanielInTheWolfsDen tied it and Wildest Bill had beaten it.

Frankly, I’m no huge December fan, and as a Conservative, I cringe at a lot of his stuff, but there others who are just as bad (on either side of the aisle): from the group of rabid “If you don’t agree with my party you’re stoopid, evil or stoopid AN’ EVIL” types, he’s not much better or worse, and he’s certainly not the only one.


::does the math::


Nah, not a ninny. A bit tunnel-visioned, but not a ninny.

Now, that Fenris guy… he’s a ninny! :smiley:

You’re just jealous because I’m well on my way to becoming THE VOICE OF CECIL!!.

I’m gonna remember that insult and you’ll be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.


Whoa! That sounds pretty kinky!

I have an idea.

Let’s get together and talk about that one guy we don’t like. It’ll be just like eighth grade all over again!!

Oh, no, wait . . .

December is actually one of my favorite posters. Doesn’t rank anywhere near the ninny-classes.

Now, about those who open pit-threads about relatively benign, well-intentioned posters? Eh…

(note: drpepper is not a raving conservative, just one who enjoys reading up on different sides of issues)

I don’t mind december so much. Sure, he’s not the greatest mind here, but then again, most of us aren’t. However, I do tend to avoid the political debates, so maybe I haven’t seen what y’all have.

Would you mind terribly if I were to borrow this for my new sig?

there’s a reason as to why I didn’t want this in the Pit (I opened t5he thread in IMHO, it was moved to the pit) as I wanted to joint out nicely that December is acting in a very ninnyish way. I didnt want to come out and attack him for no real reason.

If I wantede to start a “December is an ignorant slut” type thread, I would have. I dont think he is an ignorant sl;ut.

i just think he is a ninny.

Maybe we need another Pit: the Lightly Basted in a White Wine Pit for very mild attacks.

Was that a Freudian slit?

[sub]Sorry, that should have been “slip”.[/sub]

Twistoffate, I bet you were a really popular kid in school. I wasn’t so I dislike this kind of discussions. December is close minded about certain subjects but it is always nice in a discussion to have both point argued. I disagree completely with him and I even started a pit thread against him (my mistake) but this Mr. Is going to far. I don’t think you would like to be the subject of a similar thread, I am sure I wouldn’t.

Actually, I was bullied in school. This thread is in no way intended to bully december. he has as much right as I do to reply. Bullies dont afford that luxury.

I guess I just wanted to say something and started this thread. I didn’t think it would be viewed too seriously.

This thread is very lightweight compared to some of the threads that have been started about him.

If people want to start a thread calling me a ninny, feel free. I’ve been called much worse. I’ve been here since 1999 and managed to avoid having a pit thread started about me. It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest, and I honestly doubt that december is fretting over this one.

I guess I just wouldn’t count on that, Twisty. I understand you don’t mean any real harm. But it still strikes me as an opportunity to gang up on him, and in a public place I don’t know how it can be construed as anything but a dogpile.

Who needs a poll, dedicated to just finding out if the Teeming Millions think…what? That december is a…what? Ninny? Shit! We are ALL ninnies, on something at least! You wanna start a thread for each and every one of us?

I know this was meant to be light-hearted, but it does have a “gang up” quality about it, and I don’t like it.