Poll: Those "bad" days

  1. Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason?

  2. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?

  3. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?

  4. Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.
b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.
c) Other (please state)

  1. What do you do to alleviate your anger?
    “Yes” or “No” answers are fine, but feel free to elaborate if you wish.
  1. Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason?

No. There’s always a reason. I might find myself thinking of some particular RO subject when I first wake up.

  1. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?


  1. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?

Sometimes, but I try to avoid others or change my attitude before I get to that point.

  1. Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.


b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.


c) Other (please state)

Realign my attitude. Whatever feelings I project get projected back on to me.

  1. What do you do to alleviate your anger?

Work it through.

  1. Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason?
    No. I don’t wake up angry. Something has to happen to anger me.

  2. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?
    I can get that way if I haven’t had something to eat.

  3. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?
    **Big NO. You don’t order people around just because you’re in a shitty mood. If you cannot maintain a level of civility with people, stay home and make an appointment with a shrink. **

  4. Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.
b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.
I am rarely angry.
c) Other (please state)

  1. What do you do to alleviate your anger?
    This is not an issue with me.

1) Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason? Yes

2) Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered? Yes, occasionally–usually if I’ve not been taking my anti-anxiety meds.

3) On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you? I don’t usually phrase it as such, but kinda, yeah.

**4) Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.
b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.
c) Other (please state)**


5) What do you do to alleviate your anger?

It usually just passes. I tend not to be angry much.

  1. Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason?

  2. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?
    By the end of the day, yes. It sort of “builds up”

  3. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?
    No. I don’t interact much with people as it is. I still have to do my job no matter how I feel.

  4. Are you the type of person that:
    b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.

  5. What do you do to alleviate your anger?
    Sleep, or exercise.

Honestly, if I am in a bad mood, it is probably going to be a result of hormone fluctuation due to it being “that time of the month.” So instead of taking it out on others or being dramatic about it, I just keep a low profile until it blows over because I know it won’t last forever.

Yes to all of the above. I’m just getting to the point now where I can admit to myself I am. I still don’t know what to do about it though.

1) Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason? Yes. It’s a symptom of depression, and it took me a long time to recognize it in myself because I’m not used to being an angry person.

2) Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered? Yes. When I’m depressed, I completely avoid high stress situations. Situations that are normally mid- to low-stress for me become high stress, and I do not react well, especially when I was teaching. I yelled at my kids, I made irrational decisions concerning discipline, and was not able to keep my cool.

3) On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you? I tried to, but when you’re teaching, you don’t get to be a hermit. My students put up with a lot of unacceptably angry behavior, which I greatly regret. Instead, telling my students that I was having a bad day became an excuse. Not every day is bad, unless something is very wrong. If something is very wrong, you need to seek help.

**4) Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you. ** On my worst days and at my worst times, yes.
b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much. When I had the emotional resources or control, yes. Other times, I couldn’t.
**c) Other (please state)

  1. What do you do to alleviate your anger?** When I was in the middle of my last depression, I bottled it up. I slept. I ate. I cried. Finally, after I lost my job, I questioned what was wrong with me, saw my doctor, restarted my SSRI prescription, spent two weeks doing physical labor at my church out in the sunshine, spent extra time with my friends, and saw a counselor who helped me through the worst of it.

What I went through was very much a health crisis, and it convinced me that my physical health and mental health were very closely bound together. It also convinced me to re-evaluate my priorities. My health now comes before my job - no matter how much I love my job, no matter how obligated I feel, no matter how much the bills are piling up, my health comes first.

Since I made that decision, I’ve been a lot less angry.


Yes to both. I try not to take my bad moods out on others; that just isn’t fair.

Not really. I might say something like, “I’m a little snippier than usual today - I think I’ll just spend it off in my room.”


Take a deep breath, try to figure out what’s really bugging me, have a good cry, throw pillows at the wall, go for a walk, have some food. Sometimes I’ll be all mad in my head, but as soon as I start getting out of my head by talking to someone else, I’ll start to feel better.

Not often, but yes. I’m generally not the most pleasant person early in the morning, though, just because I’m not a morning person and don’t get my energy until I’ve been up for a while.

Sometimes, but I try not to. It’s more common for me to do this because I’m stressed about something like an upcoming job interview, rather than as a result of just waking up on the wrong side of the bed. I try not to do it in that case, too.

No. I will hide and try to avoid people, and try to find stuff to do that doesn’t involve much interaction with people, but I don’t tell them not to talk to me.

Not unless I’m really mad, which is unusual.


Play a good violent video game. Not a shooter or arcade-type game, though- that would just make me more frustrated, because I suck at those. I prefer to do stuff like nuking people in Civ or taking over other countries in EU.

Yes. Doesn’t happen that often, but sometimes I just wake up in a foul mood, especially if it is raining out.

Yes, especially with the husband. I tend to ignore coworkers on bad mood days.

Not usually. I try to avoid people as much as possible on those days. If I feel like I’m going to snap at someone, I’ll try to make a joke and sort of warn them that I’m “having a day.” I hate that phrase but it seems to break any tension I’ve created by being gloomy.

My husband can usually tell just by glancing at me what kind of mood I’m in. But sometimes I do have to blatantly tell him not to eff with me b/c I’m in no mood.

I try to do “B” but sometimes end up doing “A” unfortunately.

Considering I don’t have many bad days, I usually just try to soldier on, knowing that tomorrow will be better.

These answers make it sound like I walk around with a black cloud overhead, but I swear I don’t. I wake up in a crummy mood for no reason maybe once every couple of months.

1) Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason? Far too often.

2) Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?
I try not to. You’d have to ask others how successful I am.
**3) On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?
** I tell people I’m grumpy and most people I know leave me alone unless they need to do business with me.

**4) Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.
b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.
c) Other (please state)
** B

5) What do you do to alleviate your anger?** If it is for no reason, it will fade.

1) Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason?
Very rarely. Sometimes after a bad dream.

2) Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?
If I’m hungry, or tired, occasionally I’ll feel like this but I don’t usually snap at others. I do think some harsh stuff in my head! :stuck_out_tongue:

3) On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?
I try to drop hints, if that doesn’t work I will give a warning. One I like: “Watch out, I’m ridin’ my broom today!”.

**4) Are you the type of person that: **

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.
Not usually. On the rare occasion I will slam things (doors, pots & pans).

b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.
Yes. I get more withdrawn the angrier I get.

c) Other (please state)
My son pointed out to me that many times when I’m angry, I’ll go into the kitchen and cook up a bunch of stuff. I hadn’t really noticed it until he mentioned it - I think that’s because it’s something I have great control over, and also it’s kind of a Zen thing to do while working through my anger.

5) What do you do to alleviate your anger?
See above. Also, I’ll exercise or talk it out with someone.

  1. Are there days when you wake up angry for no particular reason?
    Yes. In full crank mode.

  2. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?
    Quietly grouchy until provoked, then mean and short-tempered.

  3. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?
    Yes, I have been known to warn my SO that I’m out of sorts. She usually takes this as a cue to pester me about what’s wrong until I snap at her. :rolleyes:

  4. Are you the type of person that:
    a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.
    b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or not talking much.
    Yes, I usually go by the rule “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”
    c) Other (please state)
    That’s all.

  5. What do you do to alleviate your anger?
    Crawl back into bed and either go to sleep or read a book in peace and quiet.

  1. Are there [days?] when you wake up angry for no particular reason?
    Not angry so much as cranky, and there’s no particular thing I’m angry about, but the reason is clear - I woke up cranky. Maybe too little sleep or I need protein or whatever.
  2. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?
    Yes. I usually try to contain this by avoiding too much interaction. Unfortunately I seem to attract chatty Kathys during this time who not only won’t shut up but also won’t even keep the conversation trivial.
  3. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?
    It’s hard. Inevitably these bad days will happen when I have to get up early to do a favor for somebody. Hard to avoid someone you have promised a ride somewhere.
  4. Are you the type of person that:
    Mostly b - see above.
  5. What do you do to alleviate your anger?
    Avoid interaction. Take a nap. Pamper myself. Remind myself that all anger is, is extra energy your body gives you to deal with a difficult situation. Either put the energy to some kind of use, whether it directly helps the situation, makes you productive in some other area, or just burns off the energy - or accept the situation and get your body to realize there’s no longer a crisis.

Poll: Those “bad” days

  1. Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason? no not really

  2. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered? Yes (not mutually exclusive with question 1)

  3. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you? no

  4. Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.
b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.
c) Other (please state)

c - try to resolve my anger quickly, but best way is to analyze it myself or talk about it — usually talk about it

  1. What do you do to alleviate your anger?

talk about it; think about it; go for a run; pray

  1. Are there when you wake up angry for no particular reason?

Yes- generally around “that time of the month”.

  1. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?

Not snappy, but more in that little things that normally don’t irritate me, will. And not so much things that other people DO, but snags that occur when I expect something to go smoothly. EVENTS will piss me off, not people.

  1. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?

YES. Especially my b/f. I will say to him, “Be patient with me, I’m PMSing. I’m going to overreact to things today so, if I seem irritable to you, just kiss me and let it go.” Generally, I keep from showing anger in front of others, so usually my b/f is the only one who needs a warning, but I might tell coworkers, "I’m having a rough day, I don’t feel like myself."

  1. Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.
b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.
c) Other (please state)

Hrmmm. I generally contain myself verbally, and just radiate a “tense” vibe. I am usually very pleasant so, if I’m not, it’s obvious that I’m stressed- when this happens, people generally pick up on it and assume I need some room. I try very hard not to inflict my mood upon others.

  1. What do you do to alleviate your anger?

**If I’m at work, since I have a job where I’m basically “on call” every minute, there’s not much to be done. I’ll drink some water and take a walk around the building. When I get home, I drink some wine and/or take a bath. **

Odd to say, but I cannot remember the last time I ever woke up angry or in a bad mood.
Maybe it is because I teach and always have to keep a level temperament, but it is not like I am suppressing any anger. I guess it just takes a lot to piss me off.

Well, upon reflection, there have been two days I can recall waking up angry…about November 5th in 2000 and a few weeks later in 2004. But other than that…

  1. Are there times when you wake up angry for no particular reason?
    Yes - mostly it’s due to lack of sleep/nightmares and the fact I hate mornings

  2. Do you become snappy at others or short-tempered?

Hell yes. If my morning starts bad the whole day is down the drain

  1. On these “bad” days, do you let others know, in a blatant manner, not to talk to you?

**Not always. When I do I try to be polite initially **

  1. Are you the type of person that:

a) Makes obvious showing of your anger in the way you handle the things around you.


b) Tries to control your anger by keeping quiet or no talking much.


c) Other (please state)

  1. What do you do to alleviate your anger?

Physical exercise helps. Baby bunnies are a sure fire fix - actually anything small and defensless that I can interact with will defuse me.