Poll: Thoughts of sex with acquaintances

Male. C. Looking at the other responses, I wonder how different the world would be if we were all more open and willing?

It’d be a lot more crowded.

Good lord, I want to hang out/work where you guys do!

Female; A.

I cannot remember the last time I saw an acquaintance/colleague who was in the tiniest bit attractive. The people I work with are just . . . well, gick. Now, if you’d asked how many I want to slap the stupid off of, that would pretty much be C.

Wait - does this count: before presentations I do like to imagine my audience coupling (or better, being coupled BY) farm animals. Loosens me up a little.

I protest that this is a hetero-centric thread.

My answer, if I’m allowed to change to people of the same sex, is C.

Or D.

Hell, let’s just make it the rest of the alphabet. There are some really hot guys walkin’ around these days.

Male (49 + Androderm)
Sober: B
Non-Sober: E*

  • All female H. sapiens + Wilma Flintstone + Betty Rubble

Female c

age 47, I’m getting worse as I get older…

but the thought of the ugly hairy self-obsessed control freak I work with thinking about me in that way makes my skin crawl!!!
eWWWW and hes got a wierd growth on the back of his neck… shudder
It wasnt long ago [late seventies] I was refused a job because I “would cause trouble amongst the men” so back in them days employers knew all about the phenomenen we know as the “Male c” effect!
someone should write a paper on it!

I suspect that there’s a pretty large intersection between men and women with c-type responses and those inclined to open this thread, so it’s probably not representative of the Dope, let alone the human race.

With that said…male c.

I’ve wondered that too, but then we’d miss out on all that fabulous sexual tension.
Female, C.

D, if I count** tdn**.

Male, b.

Male, B.

I need to get a new job or shake up the social circle, or something, I guess.


Male, A.

gets bonked on head by conscience

Er, B.


Ok, ok, C!

I wonder when society at large is going to get over the myth that women are supposedly less sexually driven than men? That certainly has not been true in my experience, so I am not at all surprised by the “female, C” answers in this thread.

Female - C

Female, B.

Occasionally I’ll have the “I wonder what that would be like?” thought, sometimes about people I have NO actual attraction to and would never actually want any hanky panky with.
On the flip side, there are many situations, even when I consider a guy attractive, where sex with the guy never crosses my mind. I can think “Hey, he’s cute!” and leave it at that.

How many women are arrested for rape? How many men can make a living as prostitutes serving female clients?

The male sex drive might not really be any more powerful than the female, but it is definitely more urgent. And we have a hard-wired sociobiological differential-reproductive-success-maximizing agenda to nail as many different sex partners as possible in the course of a lifetime. Women don’t, not to nearly the same extent.

It’s the same way with guys.

The difference is, if a guy actually gets the chance to hit that not-really-very-appealing ass, two times out of three he’ll hold his nose and do it.

Rape is not about sex, it’s about power.

I have a feeling that the number is a lot higher than you think. :wink:

That’s politically correct and to a large degree true; however, saying it’s categorically not about sex is ridiculous.

Sex has something to do with it.

I presume it would reveal questionable judgment to bring up this thread at a Dopefest.

Lull in conversation: “…So, who’s thinking about banging somebody here?”

Male, C to varying degrees–ranging from “Mmm… I wouldn’t turn it down” to full-blown fantasies.

Mostly, I just wish more people did the open/poly thing. 100% of the friends of mine who know my marriage is open are cool with me being that way but are weirded out by the thought of hooking up with a married guy even with permission.