Poll: Thoughts of sex with acquaintances

Male - G I mean really besides acquaintances there are the women on TV, the women in movies, that girl that just walked by the window, cartoon characters…

I’d be more disturbed if they weren’t thinking this.

Put me down as a b).

Male: C.

Like many others, I’d like to choose a bit lower on the scale. Yes, I do go through an evaluation in my mind about nearly every woman I meet. And some guys too.

Female, C. Sometimes it’s just a very fleeting thought, but it does happen.

I am completely unsuprised at the near-unanimous response of option C from the men. It’s about what I’d expect.

I am slightly suprised at the number of women who answered C.

Male, b. Natural horniness ground down by an awareness that it just ain’t gonna happen.

Male: (B) I’m just way too picky… although it would have been a (C) when I worked part time at a strip club. :wink:

Male, B)

Female, extraordinarily C.

I think there are many more men like me (I’m that one guy who said “a.”), but the pressure to remain a closeted “don’t-think-about-sex-much” guy is pretty intense. We even refer to those with sexful thoughts as “liberated,” implying that those of us who don’t think about sex often as “oppressed.” For me, I enjoy being able to focus on other things, which always seemed kind of natural. Maybe I just don’t have as high of testosterone levels as other guys, which might explain the lack of chest hair and my silky soft skin.

Why do I feel like breaking into “Why Am I Such a Misfit?”

Male - c
Would probably be a “d” if you gave us that option! :slight_smile:

On preview, I see I’m not the first to say that.

First off c), male, in general. With this latest gf, I tend more towards a). The girl has to be able to beat my gf on a quick once over before I let my thoughts linger over there. And, here is where I think AndrewL won’t be as suprised:

Change the question to: With how many of them has the thought of sex crossed your mind and consider the frequency, intensity, and duration, daily, then tell me how often (sorry that’s poorly worded, hopefuly you all get my meaning).

When I’m single, especially when I’m tooling around in the city, the answer is quite clearly c), which is understandable. But, then, think of what we guys are like in the office. I work with a bunch of lawyers and higher level execs. We’re supposed to set examples and provide leadership. Guess what I’m thinking about: during a slow meeting; on the phone; walking down the hall to the bathroom; in the elevator; at the water fountain; etc. These are not fleeting glimpses. For most guys, I’d wager, it’s pretty graphic and pretty intense, not so for most women. Look at the replies in this thread for anecdotal evidence.

[red dwarf]

I’d go with Betty, but I’d be thinking of Wilma!


Male, A).

Just kidding, Q).


It’s useful to remember in these things that a female “c” is a lot more hypothetical than the male “c” probably is. Really, the male options should have been restricted to C through E, and the female should have been A through C or possibly D.

Female, C

Male, pretty much any female acquaintance that I find attractive. With the exception of relatives. I won’t let my mind wander there. Everything else is fair game.

Female (over 40): A.

When I was in my 20’s, my answer would have been C.

Not that you asked. :wink: