Driving home tonight I saw a pillow on the side of the road, and I found that rather strange. I also find it funny when I see a single shoe. So, what have *you * seen?
I was thinking about starting a similiar thread.
Last Friday, I say a George Forman’s grill on the side of the road. It looked like it had been thrown against the asphault in great anger. Curios thing a grill on the road is.
A couple of years ago, a friend and I were out for a walk around twilight. I saw something in the middle of the road - I mean, it was centred on the yellow line. The road is somewhat busy… not like a highway, but it got a decent amount of traffic, since there was a factory further on, and it connected two busier towns. Cars must have been avoiding the object.
As we got closer, I saw what it was, and began to jog toward it, seeing that there were no vehicles coming, and said excitedly to my friend “Check it out! A Panama hat!”
Yes, yes. A Panama hat. That sure was cool. It was in excellent condition, too. However, this is where things get really weird: upon lifting the hat, nestled together on the yellow line, was a large pickle (which smelled dilly) and two radishes.
I put the Panama respectfully back over them and walked away. I think I may have even mumbled an apology. I never saw the hat or the vegetables again.
Yesterday I saw a stuffed animal tragedy. There were about 50 stuffed toys spread across the freeway. I think a box of them must have fallen out of someone’s truck or something.
My mother once came across a pile of rotting, pink pig carcasses piled on the side of the road. Being a morbid person, she stopped and took pictures. :rolleyes:
I once saw (and nearly drove into) a recliner chair in the middle of a highway. I guess it fell off someone’s truck while they were moving.
A couple years ago on a road trip, driving cross-country all by my lonesome, I suddenly wonder if I’m going to be writing Penthouse…
Because there, by the side of the road, is A Hot Blonde Chick, and she’s thumbing a ride!
I didn’t stop for two reasons:
First off, I had JUST crossed a state line.
Secondly, she kept looking back at these bushes she was standing near, and the only thing I could think of was “Friend with Gun.”
But, to this day, I wonder how cool that letter COULD have been.
In a piece of pasture-land near the side of the road:
A scare-crow with a sign hanging around his neck that said: “Hiss boo”
A real clever farmer, who believed that birds could read, must have put it there. I so wish I had brought my camera.
I was driving south on I-95 between Baltimore and Washington about 14 years ago, with my mom and my wife to corroborate…we saw a body hanging by the neck on a rope from the branch of a large tree. There were police cars there and cops were checking it out.
I scanned the newspapers and watched the news for days afterword, but never heard anything about it.
So, it could’ve been a fake, but :eek: …
Last night, we saw a brand new Epson printer half out of the demolished box in a tunnel on I-90.
Several years ago I almost became intimately aquainted with a washer and dryer that jumped off the truck I was following.
Driving across the floating bridge one day I saw a huge pair of red high heels standing neatly together, toes toward the water. They must have been size 12 at least.
Several years ago a friend and I were driving home from a club. It must have been well after two a.m. . There was something in the road. In the middle of the road. Out in the middle of the country, miles from anything. As we drew closer, we could see it was somebody. Hey, is that Jimmy ? Holy shit, that is Jimmy. What the hell is he doing lying in the road ? He was drunk beyond speech and most motor function. We scraped him up and took him home with us. The next morning he had no idea how he ended up passed out in the highway in the middle of the country, miles from anywhere. Definitely the strangest thing I ever saw in the road.
Gloves. They’re everywhere. I’ve started collecting photographs of abandoned or lost gloves.
Most common is the red rubber builder’s glove - pretty sure these must be blowing out of the back of pickups or other open vehicles.
What’s with all the shoes on the side of the road?
There is a shoe ( mens- rather large in size ) on the highway not far from my house. It’s been there for a while. I have seen many, many, many single shoes just hanging out on the shoulder of the road in the last few years.
I always know when I’ve arrived back in Florida because the dead possums on the side of the road are replaced by dead armadillos.
Out jogging one day, i found half a bowling ball.
I’m sure all the road work is a sign as well. Yup, us Floridians love roadwork.
Ever seen the movie “Office Space”?
MD Route 15 north of Frederick. Saturday afternoon about 10 years ago.
Guy in front of me starts slowing down. There’s no traffic, there’s no nothing that I can see. I get a little cheesed at this guy STOPPING on this rural road with no proximate cause.
Until a peacock walks out from in front of his car. A live, beautiful, strutting peacock just wandering the wilds of Northern Maryland.
Maybe it’s just me, but whenever I come across shoes laying at the side of the road, I always look for the rest of the body.
Four octopuses. In the middle of Dublin.
I am just not that kinda brave.