Poll: What gender do you associate with these names?

Only M/F
Predominantly M/F (but could be the other)
Equally unisex


Stacy (Stacey)
Devon (Devin, Devyn)

Dylan - predominantly male, but could be female
Kendall - only female
Stacy (Stacey) - only female
Devon (Devin, Devyn) - equally male/female

Dylan - male
Kendall - male, except I know a woman called this.
Stacey - female, unlikely to be male.
Devon - that’s a type of lunch meat here. As a name it sounds more male, but could be anything.

Dylan - Only Male

Kendall - Predominately Female

Stacy (Stacey) - Predominately Female

Devon (Devin, Devyn) - Predominately Male

What I associate with them:

Dylan - only male
Kendall - only male
Stacy (Stacey) - only female
Devon (Devin, Devyn) - only male.
That doesn’t mean anything around here though. People name their kids all kinds of weird things. (There is a male atty down in Jackson named Precious Martin).

I also presently know 2 or 3 men named Stacy. Over the years, I’ve run into people of either gender named Dylan, Kendall, Stacy, or Devon.

Dylan- Only male

Kendall-Predominately female

Stacy (Stacey)-Predominately female

Devon (Devin, Devyn)-equally M/F

I know all the names can go either way, but the first thing I think of for each name:

Dylan - male
Kendall - female
Stacy - female (even tho I went to school with males named Stacy & Tracy, brothers)
Devon - male

Dylan - Only M
Kendall - Only F
Stacy (Stacey) - Predominantly F (Tracey is like this too)
Devon (Devin, Devyn) - Predominantly M

I really like Devin for a girl, but with the exception of a couple of actresses, it’s almost always for boys that I’ve noticed.

Dylan–only male
Stacy (Stacey)–mostly female (I know there are guys named Stacey, but there shouldn’t be)
Devon (Devin, Devyn) --mostly female

Interesting. I know people of both genders with all of these names except one, which I named my youngest child, and never thought of as potentially unisex. I’ll elaborate after a few more replies…


Only male


Only male
Stacy (Stacey)**

Only female

Devon (Devin, Devyn)

Predominantly male (but I met a girl named Devon last month so obviously could be female)

agh, I should have asked for respondents to indicate their own gender. For many of the replies dividing by “only M/F”, I suspect a high degree of correlation to one’s own gender.


The first one is the only one where I might think, for a second, that it might be the other gender.

Dylan - unisex
Kendall - female (although I’ve never met a Kendall; I only know that was Sarah Michelle Gellar’s character on AMC)
Stacey - female (although I know it used to be male)
Devon - male

Me - female

Dylan - M/F
Kendall - M
Stac(e)y - F (for anyone under, say, 40)
Dev[o/y/i]n - F

Me - M

ETA: “I only know that was Sarah Michelle Gellar’s character” - I wondered if something like that was going on. I don’t know or know of any real-life Kendalls, it doesn’t sound feminine at all (IMO), and it looks like a combination of “Ken” and “Randall,” so I was puzzled that people perceived it as a girl’s name.

Dylan - male
Kendall - not a name
Stacy - female
Devon - not a name

Dylan only M
Kendall only F
Stacy Predominantly F but could be M (like, REALLY predominantly F for me)
Devon Predominantly M but could be F

Without reading any responses:

Dylan – My first impression would be male, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a specific Dylan were a girl

Kendall – I’d assume this person would be a guy. I’d be surprised, but not shocked, to learn I had been mistaken.

Stacy – First impression would be “chick” unless I knew the individual in question was born before 1960 or so. Older Staceys are more likely to be male.

Devyn, Devin, Devon – Probably female, with the certainty decreasing the further down my version of the list the spelling appears. If I hear “Devon” pronounced “De-VONN”, as in the case of baseball’s Devon White, I’ll figure the name refers to a man.

Dylan - male
Kendall - a dog or cat
Stacy (Stacey) - female
Devon (Devin, Devyn) - male or type of processed meat

Dylan - male
Kendall - female, but could be male
Stacy - female (but remember Stacy Keach, who is clearly not female)
Devon - female, unless spelled Devin, which sounds male to me (maybe because it sounds like Kevin)