POLL: What should I put on this really cool bracelet?

While googling for something, I wandered upon LiveWire Jewelry and am going to get a cuff made.

The trouble is, I am drawing a blank right now because I am so jazzed up on finding something so totally cool.

Maximum number of characters is 60. I am assuming this is including spaces.

I shall leave it up to Dopers to inspire me with quotes or something.

Those are some cool bracelets.

If I were going to buy one, mine would say, “Beware. Not medicated.”

Now that’s *my * kind of bracelet. :smiley:

Some kind of quote, like a song lyric or a line from a poem or novel or movie.

Your Name Here in 60 characters or less.

Jesus Saves, Moses Invests, Og Smash!

Not all who are lost wander.

I don’t suffer from insanity, I like it.

Those look a lot like bracelets my sister sells in her shop. The ones she sells are made by a jeweler we know. We’ve got some with lyrics to the Beverly Hillbillies, but the ones she’s sold the most of say “Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?” She sells out of those virtually as soon as she gets them in.

“San Dimas High School football RULES!”

Ok…I got nothin’…

E Pluribus Unum

Truly, madly, deeply

With God, all things are possible

Excelsior [“Onward and upward,” in Latin - is also the NY State motto]

Hands off. Ths is MY bracelet.

[Name of husband]'s wife. [Name of kids]'s mom.

…or just pick out some adjectives you like?

I want one.

And I want mine to say “Penis Ensues.”

I thought it was “Not all who wander are lost”?



That which does not kill me makes me [del]stranger[/del] stronger.

“When come bring pie”

“This is my arm. This is my arm on crack”

“Do not duplicate”

“happy orthodox jewish man”

Exene Cervenka of the punk group **X[/b[ has “Temptation” tatooed on her right wrist to remind herself to think about what she’s reaching for. I always thought that was a cool idea and would look neat on one of those bracelets.

It was, but I turned it around for a joke. Kinda like, “It’s always darkest just before the piano falls on you.”