POLL: Would you pay $25 per year for SDMB?

Just came from http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=69647 , which, due to insane net traffic, is the first thread I’ve been able to read all day.

Let’s just come out and ask it and generate some data for the administration. I’m picking $25 per year because it seems reasonable for a membership in an organization (what I pay to my college’s alumni assn., for instance) and is less than the $50 that one of the mods said would prob. be unnecessarily high, given the size of our user base. And I know people are still arguing over various schemes and donation methods, etc., but I thought some hard numbers on SOMETHING might help.

So just answer YES or NO and leave out any qualifiers.

Would you pay $25 per year for posting privileges on the SDMB?

btw, YES.

Poll <—you can vote here

Not sure if I would or not. I probably would.


Yes, if I couldn’t get banned.

Knowing what the boards are like, having been here, then maybe I would. Though probably not, to be honest.

But if I was a newbie who wanted to chat, and saw it was $25 to even look, I would say bye bye and never come back. This would be counterproductive, so it’s not a good idea at all. The point is to fight ignorance, so it should be open to anyone with knowledge and opinions that will aid this mighty purpose.

Just the opposite: Yes, if handy could get banned. :smiley:

Seriously… I would pay it, $25/year does not seem an unreasonable amount of money to pay for the enjoyment these boards bring me.


Btw, last year Anthracite made a similar effort here, with the eventual result of around $4700 offered. The Powers That Be said Thanks, but no thanks.

Nope. While it is a great refuge from the rest of the abyss we call the internet, I don’t use it enough to pay for it. It would be a pity if it ever did become a pay site, since so many of the people that contribute (not necessarily the regs) would cease as well.

My .02


The response time is so bad Monday-Friday that I’m seriously considering not posting at all except on Saturdays.

Without a doubt.
It’s less than adequate payment for the people I’ve gotten to meet through it…Amy,Amber and last but certainly not least Craig (you know who you are hehehehe:) ).
Sign me up.

Yes, for posting priviledges. Reading should be free.

Yep. Two dollars a month is hardly a problem.

No, because I’m strapped for cash. If I could afford it, maybe.

Well, I was going to post that I wouldn’t pay, because I always post at night, when things are relatively quick, but then it took five minutes for the reply window to pop up, so now I don’t know.

In all honesty, I’d probably refuse up until the day when I was really bored at work with some extra cash in my pocket. Then, in a moment of weakness, I’d succumb and pay. Then I’d go home and cry into my pillow over my weakness.

I’d pay it.

Sure I’d pay. Even in $US.

There could be a free trial period (say three months). Since the SDMB is rivaled only by certain narcotics for addiction potential, most people would gladly ante up afterwards.


Yes. What else would I do at work?

Without a doubt. But I agree that reading certain forums should be free.