So TCM showed this a few days ago I guess (the Tivo caught it and I watched it tonight).
I hadn’t seen this movie in forever and I was curious how it held up.
Overall, I was very impressed. The tension was still there, and I think it holds up great as a scary movie.
Effects-wise, there are hits and misses. Some of the straight-up trickery shots (the chairs getting up on the kitchen table) work even better now because of the continuous camera shot. If you tried that today everyone would know that the new chairs were digital, but in Poltergeist those were real chairs on that table!
The effects in the children’s room are the most spotty - when the investigators first show up and look into the room they are overwhelmed with activity. I remember being overwhelmed when I first saw the movie, but now it just looks cheesy. On the other hand, the monsters that come out of the closet are great - the skull that yells at Craig T. Nelson and the glowing skeleton that yells at Jobeth Williams hold up very well.
The one scene that I remembered so well but looked so bad was the investigator guy pulling his face off. The transition to a fake face is so obvious that it’s almost comical. It’s still an iconic scene though, and has been spoofed several times (Family Guy did it last I think).
As the credits rolled I had a couple of thoughts - especially after Craig T Nelson rolled the hotel TV out onto the walkway.
First - how many people actually remember when TV stations did the sign-off ritual? A thank you for watching, the national anthem and then…nothing. The movie got it right (as far as I remember) - it showed the bedroom TV going to snow at 2:37 AM. That seems pretty typical to me - that was about when TV stations signed off unless you happened to get channel 32 (UHF baby!) that was showing some random Godzilla movie that started at 2 AM.
I also wonder now about the Holiday Inn that they went to at the end (and which the young daughter wistfully remembers). The ginormous sign out front looked like this.
That got me to thinking - I remember those signs, but I don’t remember the last time I saw them. Maybe it’s my life (I didn’t start staying in hotels for work until about 1994) but I can’t remember staying in a Holiday Inn with one of those signs since the 1980s. Anyone know when they were phased out?
Anyone else think this movie has aged really well? Anyone love this movie in their childhood and hate it now?
I have come to expect disappointment with movies that I loved from my youth and I was very pleasantly surprised by this one.