Polygamy - if it were legal, would you?

If it were introduced now, definitely not; I can’t see myself being suited to it.

If it had always been the case, then who knows? - if I had been brought up with it all around me, It wouldn’t seem strange and I would probably just do it like everyone else.

The same could be said of many other societal norms though - I don’t particularly want a facial tattoo, but if I’d been raised in a society where they were the norm, I’d probably think nothing of it.

It took me 26 years to find ONE woman who could put up with me. You’re suggesting I could find ANOTHER one anytime soon?

Hmm. Probably, though marriage is a big step to take. It’d just be formalizing our current set of relationships into a multi-adult household, really.

I wouldn’t mind having a co-wife, if it were someone dh and I both agreed on. Two husbands would also be kind of nice. So yeah, I’d probably give it a shot if it were legalized.

I often tell stormchaser he needs another wife. One who will do the laundry and make dinner when I don’t want to. Hell, I’d even be willing to sleep in the spare room half the time. The only problem is that he could never love her as much as he loves me. I am sure jealousy would be an issue in a relationship like that.

I don’t think I would ever want two husbands. One requires enough maintenance. ( thats why it wouldn’t be so bad to have another wife around )

Nah. I like the open relationship better. But I know there is at least one existing poly couple on the boards.

Assuming gay marriage was allowed within this equation, I would jump on it. Me and two husbands. I have dated couples before and it would work. I am not typically a jealous type. Plus having, three paychecks coming into the household would really be nice.

Heck, I can’t even find one woman to put up with me, where would I find more than one? :smiley:

I wouldn’t mind another wife in the relationship, providing she were some kind of sexless servant who worked for free. She could do the ironing, and make the bed. And when I’m at work she could bring me some french fries from McDonalds and a cup of tea, if I should so request.

and no, I am way too jealous and territorial to share with anyone else, heck, I don’t even wanna have kids cause I don’t want to share the love!

If it was with the right people (and it would have to be), I wouldn’t say no. I see nothing wrong with poly marriages; elfje mentioned some of the practical advantages.

That being said, I don’t think it would be very likely. Like some other posters, my first thought is, “It’s hard enough to find one Significant Other, let alone more than one.”

But then I thought, “The fact of someone already being married to another person wouldn’t necessarily be a barrier… if everyone got along, and the already-marrieds were willing to welcome you into the marriage, and you were willing to join, why not?”

Poly-relationships aren’t illegal, just poly marriages. There’s nothing to keep a couple from taking in another adult as a “roommate” as long as there’s no attempt to legally marry.

If three-way marriages were desirable by most, we’d see a lot more unoffical “multi-spouse” situations. I think most people, therefore, prefer couple marriages.

Does that mean all us guys with high-maintenance women could get a co-husband to help out? Cause that would work for me. The way she needs attention and upkeep it just isn’t something one guy can do on his own, not even counting the needs of the kids!


I’m not sure I agree. Here, poly-relationships are weird, and hard to explain to mom. That is not true everywhere, however. Does anyone know how popular polygamy is in societies that have permitted it for centuries? (Such as Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries.)

Actually, in Canada, technically it is illegal to live in a polygamous relationship, whether or not you attempt to marry. However, the law is archaic, and none of my poly friends have ever heard of anyone being prosecuted for it. I bet most jurists have never heard of the law.

Hmm, it’s an interesting dilemma.

On the one hand, a co-wife would be pretty helpful around the house, with the kids, etc. And frankly, if she, um, er, did some other stuff I hate so I wouldn’t have to, so much the better! :wink:

On the other hand, as much as might be ok with it intellectually, I can be a jealous banshee and I’m not sure I could ever really go through with it.

I was watching a show about plural marriage in an African tribe where it was very acceptable, and the young girls were asked about it. One young girl bristled at the idea of having a co-wife, because it would insinuate that she couldn’t handle everything herself! She said that maybe when she was older and less strong, then she might get a co-wife to help out, but not while she was young and capable of doing all her own work!

I recently read an newspaper article about one of those remote towns along the Utah-Arizona border where polygamy is still practiced. There is an unfortunate side effect of polygamy that I was unaware of. All (or most) of the young girls in the community are taken by the older men, and the young men were driven out of town. Face it, if you are 50 years old and looking to score with that pretty teenage girl, you are going to have to get rid of the 20 year old bucks.

It was so common for these young men to be driven out and disowned by their families that there is a halfway house in St. George for them. They have a rough life.

Good Lord, no. If I had 2 husbands, the bathroom would never be clean!

Note about 2 wives: My cousin caught her husband red-handed (as it were) having an affair. After her nasty long divorce was finalized, she told me if she had it all to do over again, she’d move the Other Woman into the back bedroom and tell the neighbors she’s a cousin!! :eek:

You mean it’s not legal?..oops!

I think I’m going to have to do some explaining.

If you don’t hear from me in a while…

NO way. I’m a jealous gal and I don’t like sharing. Co-hubby would be too weird. I am a one man girl. My SO on the other hand…

Well, fantasies aren’t illegal but in the real world, it would NOT work, he knows I’m a green-eyed monster, knows it and accepts it. I’m not irrational (he can look at others, he can have porn) but he knows I’d never do another threesome in my lifetime so a polygamous marriage where he had two or more wives is out of the question. Yeah, I’m insecure… so what!?