My very, very curly hair was the bane of my life up until I was about 15. The problem: how to prevent the thing atop mi cabeza from looking like a brillo mat? Around age 15 I discovered styling mousse (sp?). A definite improvement but the stuff just lacked the strength to hold mt hair at bay. Styling gel was the next step, and is what I use to this day. Generally, I find my styling gel induced 'due looks good but feels bad. Relativly large, shiny curls in bunches, but touch the things and the spell is broken. Crunchy is the only adjective that works to describe my hair on gel. And the flaking, oh the flaking! I use a premium brand (NEXXUS Extra), but on my dark shirt days, you’d think I have the dandruff equivalent of a Noreaster.
A casual acquaintence suggested that a switch from gel to pomade may produce better results. Less crispy head, no flakes, still the same basic look.
I said, “po-what?!?” Still don’t know WTF they wuz referring to. Can anyone give me the SD on pomade. Brands, application, expected results, personal experience.
Ah, Choosybeggar, my fellow curly. My hair went from stick straight as a child to brillo pad curly at 13-14. As luck would have it, this phenomenon occurred when I had a real short 'do - hence my nickname “Puff”.
At the time, I tamed the hair with mousse. But that still resulted in a good deal of frizz, especially on foggy days. Then I started using mousse AND L’Oreal Pumping Curls. I would mousse up as usual, style, and then spritz on the pumping curls like hairspray. It worked pretty well for a while. And it was only minimally crunchy.
Now that my hair is longer, I only use mousse. Well, okay, I also detangle with Pantene spray-on leave-in conditioner. I think the key with curly, frizzy hair is for it to stay hydrated and not damaged. I think you have better chances of unfrizzy days when it’s healthy and moist.
I’ve heard that hot oil treatments periodically can also help, but I haven’t tried any yet.
Signing off…
“Learned to Love My Curls”
Short of moving to Arizona, where the air is dry and the hair is flat, that’s about all I can come up with. But still, mousse and all, I HATE rainy days. So it’s a good thing I’m in So. Cal.
bump, you are way behind the times. Modern pomades have very strong hold, but dry soft & shiny (not slimy/goopy) and I’m sure are comprised mainly of silicates. The good brands can only be purchased at hair salons, (duh). Have you ever tried “Laminates” by Sebastian? (They used to have an ad that went: “Laminates. Works.” True fact, sister.) Generally they are very expensive but a little goes a long way. I have some made by American Crew that works well. You can aply it to wet or damp hair for different effects. Good luck!
I use “Molding Putty & Pomade” by Ecoly on my head full of curls. They proudly announce on the jar in fancy script that the product is “Almond Free”. I’m not exactly sure why that’s a selling point, but I like the stuff. It holds very well, but is soft to the touch. Nothing like the Crisco-looking stuff they used in Raising Arizona! You should be able to find it at most salons. It’s a bit pricey (about $9 for a 4oz jar), but it really lasts a long time.
I dated a guy that used “Dixie Peach” pomade on his flat top in the 50’s. Kinda like “butch wax”, whatever that was/is. Imagine my surprise to find Dixie Peach in Longs Drugs not along ago. Might be worth a try, it’s pretty cheap.
I have naturally very curly hair, a lot less now, but what hair is still there is still very curly. I tried all the glops, goops, shellacs, glues and greases. Pomade works but the old type is similar to vaseline and bees wax, look at Jerry Lewis and that is what a head of hair on pomade looks like. Try the new pomades they might work. I gave up on longer hair, I don’t want to look like I am sporting a “comb over”, so I wear my hair short.
scout1222, choosybeggar, I feel your pain. My hair decided to be horribly curly as soon as I started growing it out in junior high (a white boy with a massive, afro-like expanse of hair was not a cool thing to be in the early 90’s). I don’t like mousse, because it tends to make hair bigger. My hair was too big already! At one point I used Lubriderm lotion as conditioner (worked ok at reducing friz/volume, but was sort of greasy).
That’s when I discovered leave-in conditioner. Oh yes, it helped to reduce frizziness and volume. Also very good is Ultra-Sheen Hair Food. My old girlfriend turned me on to it, and it really helps. You put it in while hair is sort of wet (it says to comb through, but what curly haired person combs their hair after a shower?). If you are combing or brushing your hair out of the shower, that could be the problem. Your hair isn’t going to comb into any style anyway, so you might as well let it do its own thing. You can guide it, but you can’t order it. It won’t listen.
See, you want all the natural oils that your scalp can conjure up, so try not to wash more than 4 times per week. Pomade is rough. It doesn’t like to be washed out. I used some Murray’s Pomade once, and I thought I’d have to use Dawn to cut the grease.
Not the pomade I use. I probably use way more than I should, but i have the problem of stick straight hair that WANTS to stick straight up. My hair is straight, coarse, and has a will of its own. With the style I have it in, most is gelled down (usually), and the bangs gelled up and spiked. Unless i’m going for a spiky all over look, i need pomade or gel to keep my hair down. The pomade is nice because I dont need a dryer to lock my hair in place like I do with the gel.
Anyway, the pomade that I have WILL wash away with water (i’ve washed it off of my hands with warm water). It definately washes out with shampoo. It’s called “Volumax” by Naturelle. The feel is a little more creamy than oily (although, after warming up, it feels oilier). As I said, i probably use more than I should, so it doesn’t dry in my hair, but that’s OK, because i dont touch it (and it’s a lesson to those who would try :)). It’s nice smelling (something like coconut, but more fruity i guess). Holds VERY well (as good as gel), and my hair shines well.
There’s also hair wax (I think that’s the name), and it works similarly. But I havent tried it.