I just wanted to say thank you for the column …What does “Pop goes the weasel” mean.
I googled it and just happened to type in those exact words. I almost fell of the chair when your page showed up. You did an excellent job of answering a question that came from one of my grandkids. Thanks a lot
Welcome, alderrot. You’ve got grandkids. Hooray! YOu’re not some young fart who’s gonna get on here and run us around Robin Hood’s Barn.
You googled. Hooray again. Best search engine going. You’ve good taste.
Now that we have you in our web, you might be interested to know that there are usually threads started about Cecil’s columns and other’s threads.
If you used the search engine on the SDMB, and typed in <weasel> under “Cecil’s columns” you would come up with http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=600084&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending The search engine, unfortunately, doesn’t take words smaller than four letters. But weasel is pretty definitive as a search word in threads posted to “Comments on Cecil’s Columns.” If you were searching Great Debates or the BBQ Pit on the other hand, you would have gotten 20,000+ hits.
These threads quite often can offer info that even the Great Cecil might not have access to, or was unable to find at the time he wrote his column(modern database searching, etc.).
All that work, samclem, and you forgot to add the link to Cecil’s column?