popcorn odor

Okay, I did a “thorough search”, i.e. played stump the search engine. I must find out.

Has anyone out there ever noticed the similarity to the odor of buttered popcorn (especially movie popcorn) and urine? Please?

It is really unsettling to smell a scent and not know whether I’m appetized or disgusted. I simply must know if anyone else has experienced this.

It is really bad, because if I start eating popcorn it is really hard for me to stop without running out (presuming I have an adequate supply of beverage). I think I could eat 2 or 3 microwave bags by myself if I tried. So I love popcorn, but urine is not something I find I wish to savor.


Urine, you say? Um, no, I haven’t noticed any similarity in odor 'twixt the two substances, but I do find the smell of popcorn nauseating. Thing is, I also have the not being able to stop eating it problem, once I get started, but I very rarely get started. Maybe the reason you think popcorn smells like piss is because you eat so much of it your piss smells like popcorn.

Think about it.

I never could get the hang of Thursdays. - Arthur Dent

i can’t say urine, but i’ve definitly noticed it smells like nurses feet.

my mom is one, a nurse, and when we were little we’d run away before she took her shoes off cause the stench was so bad. then she was off work for about four years, and at that same time we started buying microwave popcorn.

when she went back to work, the smell of her feet smelt so much like the popcorn, that smelling the popcorn was nauseating.

(oh wow, i did a crap of a job wording this post.)

“human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust; we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” - albert einstein

Never thought it smelled like urine, but (and this is kind of a rant for me) I always associate it with bitchy, no-good office employees and waiting in line for no reason because they are so busy making and eating their DAMN popcorn!!!

Mega, try a run-on sentence like that. Then you can talk about bad wording :wink:

“Teaching without words and work without doing are understood by very few.”
-Tao Te Ching

I had some Mongolian Beef tonight that was VILE. It tasted like outhouse. My girlfriend like it, though.

I hate when someone’s nuking popcorn in another part of the building and the smell wafts to us popcorn-deprived souls in the back.

It’s man-sized inside

I think potato chips smell like feet, and apple juice smells like fresh urine. Not sure about popcorn though.

Teeming Millions: http://fathom.org/teemingmillions
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t

Every afternoon at 4:30 someone in our office building would have their popcorn.
We knew because we could smell it blow through the air conditioning.
I always wanted to “answer back” with a pressurized can of some kind of oder–like bacon.

Eat it in front of the judge and see if you can get odor in the court.

Ray (Wow, did that smell.)

I think you may wanna go to finer movie theatres!

Never made a popcorn-urine connection, but canned corn smells like feet to me. And grilled onions smell like body odor.

How about opening a bag of baconettes or porkrinds in a closed up car for that just took a dump smell…

“Ward, You’re upsetting the beaver.”
Barbara Billingsley

Are you sure you weren’t at the theater the day the concession stand guy was getting fired?

With all the stories I’ve heard about kids pissing in office building community coffee pots, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out the pimple-faced kid at the theater took out his anger on the hot butter dispenser…

Are you sure you weren’t at the theater the day the concession stand guy was getting fired?

With all the stories I’ve heard about kids pissing in office building community coffee pots, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out the pimple-faced kid at the theater took out his anger on the hot butter dispenser…

Are you sure you weren’t at the theater the day the concession stand guy was getting fired?

With all the stories I’ve heard about kids pissing in office building community coffee pots, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out the pimple-faced kid at the theater took out his anger on the hot butter dispenser…

Yarster; Piss off

Thanks for all the response. No, it happens more often than not. Not just movie theaters, but it is common there. And not just one theater.

I guess it’s one of those freaky things where the signals are confused upstairs and figuring it out is the trick.

Can’t remember offhand other instances of smelling one thing and then finding out it was food getting cooked, but there have been other occurrences. No specifics come to mind.

I agree with mega: it smells like dirty socks to me. I first noticed this in high school.

I think it may not be the popcorn itself, but that pseudo-butterlike substance that goes on it or the oil it’s cooked in.

Well, Irishman, you’ll be happy to hear I know exactly what your talking about. I’ve only noticed it in theaters, so I expect it has something to do with that wierd oil they pass off as “butter”. Pesumably it has some chemical with an amide group or some nitrogenous piece that hits the same smell receptor as urea. A preservative, possibly?

I’ve also noticed that it only makes me think of urine when the smell is in a certain concentration range: too faint or too strong and the urine similarity seems to fade or be swamped by other odors. Strange.

Nurses feet? I think mega the roo has some sort of fetish going on :).

off the OT, has anyone worked with glacial acetic acid? It can and clear an entire lab, take my personal word for it. I always thought it smelled like dirty, sweaty little kid. Which I was acquainted with, working in so many schools.