Porn: A Woman and a Shetland Pony

(This may be more of a Café Society question, but I feel that the ‘history of porn’ aspect makes it relevant to a wider audience.)

This alleged ‘first porn photo ever’ has been featured in two novels I’ve read.

Apparently there were doric columns, velvet curtains, and a woman giving a blowjob to a Shetland Pony.

The first time, I thought it was a product of John Irving’s fertile imagination in The Cider House Rules, when Melody showed it to Homer Wells.

But the second time, I could not as easily dismiss it as a product of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr’s fertile imagination when I found it in Slaughterhouse Five, when Billy Pilgrim got a few furtive glances at it throughout time.

And my Googling skills are simply not up to it. Can anyone (who’s not at work) help me?

Well, on a related note, I remember flicking through the Kama Sutra and finding out that the average Indian bloke was supposed to make his carnal intentions clear to a woman in the pub by showing her pictures of animals at it with each other :dubious: It didn’t make that much sense to me and the book was confiscated after I couldn’t stop laughing at it :smiley:

Why stop with a Shetland? A really adventurous woman would try a draft horse.
Now that I’ve got that comment out of my system . . .

I can’t imagine the subtleties involved in researching this one without getting thousands of porn sites popping up on your screen, so I haven’t.
But my BS meter is going off, and I’d suspect that that photo is merely the work of any overactive imagination and doesn’t exist. Perhaps Irving read the Vonnegut novel years ago and inadvertently cribbed from it?

Doubtful, being that some of the most early photos have a high number of nudes. One would think that basic human vs human would appear before human vs animal, but just to be sure, does anyone have a link to said porn :smiley:

From Slaughterhouse 5:

I’m pretty sure Vonnegut made it up. I can’t find any record of Andre Le Fevre as an assistant to Daguerre.

Anyway. in order to take a daguerreotype, you needed a twenty minute exposure. The logistics of getting everyone to stay in postion are pretty mind blowing (or is that horse blowing :D).

Second, a dagurreoytpe doesn’t produce negatives. Every picture was a one off. It doesn’t seem reasonable to me that you could just go out and buy donkey porn from a market trader if the fancy took you.

If you want to see some daguerreotypes, try here - note lack of donkeys.

Heh heh … that’d be pretty cool.

I’m pretty certain Irving read Vonnegut, anyway.

I hereby nominate that line as “Best Quote to be Used Out of Context” for August, Twenty-Aught-Four!

I shall be in Shetland on Wednesday and will ask around for you.

I saw something like this once on the web. I think the site was absolutley It was. i felt so sorry for that woman. She must have had a gun to her head.

Nobody has commented on the titter-worthiness of cowgirl’s interest in pony porn?

Y’all need more beer. :wink:


now I certainly do …

Or around here, a Suffolk Punch :smiley: …anything can sound dirty if you’re determined :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol. Beautiful.

Brace yourself.

I’ve seen a series of photos of a woman fellating a horse. No I did not go looking for them, this was in the mid 90s and a friend said “Hey, check out this sick s*** I found on the web!”

Judging by the graininess of the photos they looked like 1950s-1970s vintage. Suffice it to say this is nothing you want to see before a meal. Or ever, actually. I wish I hadn’t seen it.

That aside, there was a lot of pretty explicit stuff produced when photography and motion pictures came into being. I read a book on the history of dirty pictures, they had plenty of stills from early pornographic movies - this wasn’t “suggestive”, it was full-on nude orgies and so on. I’m pretty sure the time lag between the invention of the motion picture and the first x-rated movie was about the time it took a guy to say “Hey honey! Let’s have some fun!”.

This was all human-human though, they didn’t address interspecies.

Shetland pony? Pfft.

Bring on the tentacled monsters!!!


To get good head on a draft horse you have to pull it real slow.