Why does such a high percentage of internet porn seem to originate from eastern europe nowadays? Looking at the ladies on these porno sites it makes me wonder what is driving the seemingly endless supply of blonde hair, blue eyed women to the porn industry. Is there just no other industry for these ladies? Are the majority drug addicts or prostitutes? Are they sex slaves or being forced into this industry?
I’m speaking mainly of the fetish porn industry because that is primarily the content I look at, but it’s blowing my mind how many bombshells are being absorbed into these porn sites. I almost never see the same girl twice and I look at a fair amount of porn.
Eastern Europe is fairly poor and these girls probably can easily make twice to three times what they would get paid for a different job. The porn industry is no different from any other industry. They want to find the cheapest source of their supply and for white porn stars thats Eastern Europe.
Same reason the world’s consumer electronics industry is dominated by Asia: much cheaper laborers. Cheaper to hire Eastern European chicks to suck dick on camera.
Low cost of production. Low wages. An ongoing pressure on the US porn industry. Eastern European porn may be in European languages (other than English) or may be somehow more culturally correct, giving it a commercial advantage. Skilled movie people who are now underemployed.
As for the women in there movies, I certainly do not know. Most bordellos in the Middle East are segregated by nationality. In Bahrain, a buddy of mine is a regular at such places.
He prefers the ‘Thai places,’ pretty friendly girls. (I visited one place a few months ago, he was right.) He reports the ‘Russian places’ are creepy. The girls look ‘like heroin addicts’ I don’t know, I never been.
The Russian girls, another friend reports are being held as slaves. I trust (and am creeped out) by his judgement.
It’s because it’s like a third world country, only with “non-foreign looking” people.
There’s no doubt that the biggest market in sexual fantasies (i.e., porn) is gonna be for people who look like their market audience. Not exclusively, of course, but the greatest proportion.
When the Iron Curtain fell, suddenly here were all these countries that were so desperately poor that their people would do almost anything just to eat. I’ve read that the pay in “mainstream” gay porn in America is $20,000 a scene. I’ve also read that in Bosnia it’s $600 a film.
It’s outsourcing, plain and simple. The same economic conditions exist in many places around the world, but there will be more of a market for blue-eyed blondes than hungry looking “ethnics.”
Until Eastern Europe recovers, it will continue to be an open market for such exploitation.
I agree with the economic assessment most are saying. You can see it in other areas of porn on the internet these days (I actually haven’t seen a lot of these Eastern European sites/models myself, but I have other tastes so that probably explains it…and I have seen SOME to be sure, usually popups for them).
Look at all the new ‘reality’ sites that have sprung up lately. There are tons of sites with guys and girls who are pretty obviously not models being produced by people who also pretty obviously aren’t professional producers, who post new content regularly on their web sites. I actually enjoy these sites more than the more ‘professional’ ones (for one thing the female ‘actors’ are usually more to my taste having a bit more meat on their bones…as well as being more ‘real’ to me ). Reguardless I think its driven by the same thing as the OP mentions…economics. I imagine many of these reality sites basically are just a couple of guys with a video camera and a web site who go out and recruit regular girls off the street for a couple of hundred bucks, film having sex with them and then post them to their web site. As opposed to paying for a film and production team, paying for a professional model/actress/actor and a producer, etc.
I actually think most of the girls on “reality porn” sites are not really recruited right off the street. I think most of them are drawn from adult modeling talent agencies and hired as would be any other kind of performer. But the site wants you to THINK that they’re taken right off the street, so they make up fake stories about how “we offered this girl 200 dollars!!!”
Oh, I have no doubt that happens…and I’ve seen exactly the sites you are talking about, and its fairly obvious just looking at both the men and women that they are models (or wannabe models at least) pretending to be ordinary folks simply ‘picked up off the street’ or who are strapped for cash and only doing this because they HAVE too (there is one about plumbers that was amusing this way).
But the sites I’m talking about (and that I like)…I doubt it. For one thing, the ‘models’, either male of female, hardly fit into any realistic mold of real professional models who are just pretending to be ordinary folks. I could give a few examples but it wouldn’t be appropriate (plus it would give away WAY too much info on my own fetishes ) here so you’ll have to take my word for it. However, I think I’m discerning enough to know a model faking being real compared to some woman (or guy) who runs a web site out of their house, or other amature efforts.
Even joining this discussion has probably given away more about me than I would normally chose.
Tastes of course differ but coinciding with the fact that lots of E. European countries are poor has been, no doubt, the fact that many (at least in the West) regard the tallish, leggy, fair-complected, high cheekbone types who disproportionately can be found in places like Czech Rep. or Ukraine as unusually good looking (some think the Czechs breed the best lookers on the planet; while I was indeed impressed, not just by the model-types but by the smoking hot girl next door shopgirls, I found Icelanders even more freakishly good-looking – but Iceland’s not poor, so they have non-sex-worker options). De gustibus non disputandum.
F.Y.I., I was told in Poland that while there used to be a fair number of Polish and Ukrainian prostitutes there, the source of talent is moving south and East (Moldova and Bulgaria, which don’t have the classic North Slav phenotype but which are poorer than the Westward-looking C. European countries). I’d suspect similar trendlines are seen in porn (though I guess arguably starring in porn requires less desperation than actual street-level hooking).
Not to quarrel with the basic idea of hot young white bodies as commodity, but I have to put in a prop for Hungary. Probably the most open and sophisticated of the former Soviet bloc nations, Hungary also has without a doubt the most stylish and beauty-conscious women in Eastern Europe – and thanks to their country’s position as the revolving door of conquerors, they possess an incredible mix of bloodlines and looks, from pale, delicate-featured and near-Nordic to dark, aquiline and near-Turkic. I’ve seen countless Hungarian models whose faces (and bodies) would break your heart.
sigh What’s happened to this industry? There was a time when people cared about professionalism and production values! I weep for the next generation . . .