Portable food representative of chicago?

I need something to bring home from Chicago for a friend who was kind enough to drive us to the airport during the Boston blizzard aftermath.

Obviously TSA would have a problem with me bringing an Italian beef sandwich.

Are there other, more portable, foodstuffs that say “Chicago?”

They would?

Jars of Rolf’s relish and sport peppers.

A sampling of chocolates from Vosges, perhaps?

Are you dead-set on carrying your goodies on the plane?
You can ship Portillo’s, Lou Malnati’s, Eli’s Cheesecake, and other Chicago staples anywhere in the country at the Tastes of Chicago website.

I don’t really know if taking an Italian Beef through security would be an issue, but I also don’t know how well it would hold up until you got it back home to your friend anyway.

If you’re flying out of O’Hare, there’s an Eli’s in Terminal 1, and Pizzeria Uno locations in Terminals 2, 3, and 5, past security.

Along these lines: I haven’t been able to get good giardiniera for love or money since I moved away from Chicago. So that might be nice.

I take my siblings Frango mints, which they still associate with Chicago though I think they’re made somewhere else now. Garrett’s popcorn would work as well, I’d think.

Sigh. Frango Mints = Marshall Field & Co. Taken over by that icky Macy’s.

Garrett’s Popcorn is YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY. Make sure you send 'em the “Chicago Mix.”

… from an expat Chicagoan … come to think of it, why not check out blues master Buddy Guy’s club Legends … they do mail order groovy bluesy souvenirs :slight_smile:

Garrett’s Popcorn. Cheese-and-caramel mix. There’s a location in the United Terminal so you don’t even have to take it through security.

I’ve never gotten Garrett’s Popcorn’s popularity. I know ex-pats love it, but the two times I’ve had it I’ve been like “eh, it’s caramel corn.” I had family here for the Taste last summer and they noted the HUGE lines that are always coming out of the place, and I told them it’s crazy popular with people that visit. They got some and had the same reaction as me. It’s good, but not “when I’m in town I’ve gotta get some” good.

If I left Chicago and returned, I’d be looking for a Portillos.

Garrett’s is nice. But Nuts On Clark is at least as good, possibly better.

It is possible to take Lou Malnati’s frozen pizzas on the plane. All the carryout locations sell frozen 10 inch and 6 inch pizzas, and they will usually give you an appropriately sized box carrier thing if you ask nicely (I used to work at one). The pizzas take a long time to defrost and will be perfectly safe to cook and eat after a couple hours flight.

I’ve never gotten Garrett’s Popcorn’s popularity…

Oprah. It was one of her Favorite Things one year.

Ah! Yeah, that’ll do it.

Oh hey, look at that! I forgot to return to this thread. I am going to blame lots of great beer and late nights in Chicago bars. Does that get me off the hook? (ETA also there was the Ouzo night in Greektown)

I took home Vosges chocolates both for my chauffeur friend and for my husband. Well received all around. Very good chocolates!

Oh man - I wish I had thought to look for giardiniera so I can make Italian beef at home.

My main (humerous) concern taking an Italian Beef through security was whether the wet bun would be considered a “gel” and violate the 3 oz rule.

My sympathies. They killed Filene’s too. :mad:

Yay, I’m glad the Vosges went over well!

This is exactly what I did (minus the box carrier) and it worked just fine on the 3+ hour trip home.

Is it weird that I’ve lived in Chicago and vicinity for nearly half a century and I’ve never heard of Vosges Chocolates?

Garrett’s popcorn has been long a Chicago favorite. Oprah has nothing to do with it. Gotta mix the cheese and caramel, though