Post 100, here I come!

It’s taken me a while, but I’m coming up on three digits for the ole post count. So far, no warnings, no Grape-ings, and a non-trivial amount of fun. Life on the SDMB is good…
and you guys are way cooler than Cecil’s articles. But don’t tell him I said that - I fear his wrath.

So, I figure I’ll definately pass the 100 mark within 24 hours - possibly before I go to sleep this morning, even.

Wish me luck!

Congratulations, Mr. Excellent, from the brink of 500. :slight_smile:

Thanks, moi. What’s the view like from up there?

[Monty B.] Exxxccccccelent[/Monty B.]:smiley:

Hey you’re at 99 right now! Only one more to go!

Well if you’re anything like me, Mr. Excellent, you’ll be rehashing your old posts and thinking “Didja have to go and tell them that?” :smack:

How true, moi. Now that I’ve contemplated the consequences of the Search feature, I’m thinking I should have been maybe smarter about the things I’ve chosen to reveal about myself. Maybe I’ll be smarter in the next hundred. (Nah, I doubt it.)

good show mate!

you are certainly this semi-newbie’s favourite newbie.

Yay!!! I just passed the mark myself last night :slight_smile: Of course, I didn’t know it was #100 until it was posted.

We’re well on our way to 1000!