Post your unpopular opinions

I’ve got a doozy: Advocating to change the date of Australia Day so the SJWs and virtue-signallers can feel good about themselves should be treated as sedition.


I was going to say I don’t think much of Bruce Springsteen, but having recently watched a concert of his on TV I have to say he puts on a great show.

nm…couldn’t quote a spoiler.

This site is not about fighting ignorance.

Yes it is.


Religious zealots tend to have larger families than secularists. Religious zealots can corrupt the secularists’ children just as fast as the secularists can corrupt the zealots’ children. Secular societies tend to have birthrates below replacement level.

This increases the probability that, when we get old, we will end up in nursing homes operated by the religious people’s children. Won’t that be fun?

If secularists want the future to be secular, we need to start breeding faster.


Rotoscoping is one tool in an animator’s toolkit.
It can be done well, or it can be done poorly, depending on what the artist chooses to do with it.
“This particular rotoscoped film was done badly,” is a display of taste.
“This film is bad because it was rotoscoped,” is a display of snobbery.


The tea bag is a perfectly valid method to brew a small quantity of tea. I know that the better brands don’t come in bags, but that is the manufacturers’ fault, not the technology’s.


Any deity who would create Quantum Mechanics must be a trickster, like Coyote or the Monkey King. It is certainly not the cranky old curmudgeon of the Abramic religions.

Beer tastes terrible and many people probably lie about liking it.

Unwanted compliments or unwanted patting are not even in the same ball park as forcible rape.

In a few centuries eating animal flesh in the developed world will be viewed as unethical as slavery is today.

As a het woman, I find the current trend of bearded guys hideously unattractive.

Apart from religious reasons, lots of people have difficulty to comprehend the transition from life into death and all that it entails - in terms of your physical body. This is in my opinion completely understandable because your physical body is all that anyone has during their existence. In fact, I find people who are able to overcome this hurdle more strange (albeit very admirable, of course).

That’s not an unpopular opinion. That’s a delusion.

Hillary Clinton is not Oprah Winfrey. She had been a Senator and a Secretary of State. Those are real objective qualifications.

One about television: that a British version of Supermarket Sweep w/Dale Winton is much better than the one we had here in America w/David Ruprecht.

It’s true that these are coping mechanisms but they are not new ones; in fact they’re as old as human civilization (and probably older). The only thing that has changed is the number of people and the ease with which we can access drugs, casual sex and fantasy escapism and view others’ consumption of the same.

I’m not a particular fan of either coffee or beer but weirdly have developed a taste for coffee porter. No, I don’t understand it either.

Another opinion: I don’ t like *Les Mis *the musical. I mean, the book was fine and the film was well done (and all power to Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, etc) but the whole thing is just a noisy, shouty, maudlin mess.

And one of my best friends is Somali-born and an amazing, selfless woman.

I didn’t think the Chrysler PT Cruiser was such a horrible looking car.

I might have already said this…

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Pressuring yourself to think positively is bad for your mental health.

There’s nothing wrong with complaining, however trivial the complaint.

People cannot control their thoughts or emotions (though these can be shaped over the long term.)

I don’t like the movie Raising Arizona.
I do like watching curling.
I think Nixon was one of the 5 best presidents.

The sexy models posing in swimsuits while coated with sand is NOT a turn-on. Based on my sensitive man-parts and ladies I’ve known sensitive girl-parts; Adding sand, thousands of microscopic critters looking for a meal, and salt is not my definition of a “good time.”

ETA: I also liked the convertible!

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Bacon is gross. I know, I know, I’ve already heard how crazy I am a thousand times! :smiley:

That’s okay, it just leaves more for the rest of us!

To me, he projected himself to be so cool and musically advanced that the sycophants just fell all over themselves to tell him how wonderful he was…he jumped the shark when he changed his name to a symbol…whenever I would point out that, while he had some good songs and certainly was prolific, I would generally get the ‘GASP’ and, “YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND” response…yeah, I understand narcissism just fine…

But to me, the King of the Overrated is Bruce Springsteen, every song I hear is, “Oh, gee, Bruce is playing all three chords he knows”…to the same monotone beat…and screaming in tortured hamster voice that makes me want to jab my eardrums with chop sticks…