
Woohoo! I got a postcard from Strainger today. Cool picture, too: Mountains, snow and town lights.

Thanks, Strainger!

Kat – I got mine the other day. I have it sitting under my Vegas/Wally pin next to my monitor.

Guess I need to start a “Things from the SD” collection :slight_smile: Shoot, makes me wish I had gotten a dollar from Satan!

Speaking of Vegas…when will we get to see hat follies?

I got mine too! I’ve added it to my Doper postcard wall. Still waiting on that one from Coldy when he went to Mexico…


Some of my Dutch friends had their cards today and yesterday. Could there be something amiss? Surely, the US takes less time then Europe?

Whoo-hoo!! Glad y’all are getting your postcards! If you emailed your snail mail address to me and don’t receive a postcard soon, try emailing me again. My system seems to be somewhat constipated. For example, I got Democritus’ address after I got back, even though he’d emailed me before I left (you’ll get yours soon, Demo!).