Posters who don't irritate you.

I would also like to point out to welby that starting a club for cool posters would be a really stupid idea on my part.

After I went to all the trouble to set it up and arrange for a clubhouse and everything the really cool kids would just take over and kick me out too.

Give me a few minutes and I’ll join you on the curb.

Rue is the absolute KY Jelly of abrasives. I imagine every time he eats it’s a Happy Meal. Seriously, could a guy be any more genteel? I don’t have SpellChecker. Did I just suggest he was non-Jewish?

Now now, it was just a minor typo. It’s not like I always call you Lissa Lissla. Then again, after all the complaining you’ve been doing, I might have to hold you in the second-highest respect. I’ll think on it and let you know.

Exgineer, I’ll make sure I have my D&D manuals ready. We can go to the comic book store and then watch Star Trek. Sound good?

I’m with shibboleth. You’ve all bugged me at one time or another.

Except shibboleth.

Yeah, but do you have a shotgun with rock salt, Cranky? 'Cause if not, I ain’t gonna mend my ways.


All in all I think I’ll wait for a Jonathina Chance. Unless you’re buying dinner and drinks. Then we can talk.

Don’t sweat it lieu. Genteel, gentile, gentle, whatever you want. Though the last time I ate it was pistachios.

Hey, Rue! Live dangerously! Take a Chance!! :smiley: I can tell you from personal observation that he’s a hunka smoldering lust… or that might have been his aftershave or the fabric softener on his sweater.

As for me, I don’t let anyone irritate me. Being the eldest of 5 sibs, I perfected the art of ignoring that which irritates. Mostly. People don’t irritate me, but some behavior does. Like not paying me proper homage. And not lavishing gifts and attention all over my sweet self. That’s irritating.

So’s this new bra I just bought - it just doesn’t fit correctly, and it chafes - that’s irritating. But there are no posters who irritate me. Not even that thorn-in-my-side swampbear!! :stuck_out_tongue:


I think one of the downtown theaters is also having an even-numbered original cast movie marathon. Even-numbered Trek films don’t suck.

We also need to swing by Capital Games to pick up some expansion packs, and they have a way cool Babylon 5 poster I want.

And swampbear doesn’t irritate me either.

FWIW: I’m always intrigued when a poster whose previous attempts at insight and knee-jerk allegations have made me want to go jump in the nearest lake suddenly has informed and reasonable things to say in another thread…

Cool beans, Exgineer. See you in a bit. I have to get some tape for my glasses first.

I’ve had a certain fondness for CrankyAsAnOldMan for some time, even though I’m definitely one of the people who has annoyed her in the past. She just comes across as such a nice, mature, even-keeled person. I’d trust her opinion on most things.

I am also a fan of jinwicked, probably because offbeat, talented people fascinate me. I’m still amazed she lives in Houston, and not Greenwich Village or the Bay Area.

Oooh, now I feel like a total bastard, Lizard, because I’m a Jinwicked fan too, her art really kicks much ass. I totally forgot to mention her because, um, I had a problem with, um, my ahhhhh, BLOOD SUGAR! Yeah that’s it. Low blood sugar.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I like everyone’s posts, except for my own. Some day I’ll start my own thread, and then I’ll surely love myself.

I can’t think of a single poster who does annoy me (well, on any regular basis anyways :wink: )… so I guess my list includes a lot of people.

Let’s see…

33,919 Members…

I have probably read posts from 5% of the population…

That is approx 1960 different dopers…

So for the sake of the hampsters…

I’ll narrow it down to the names that come to mind.

Rue DeDay
Shirley Ujest

that’s it for now…

NoClueBoy, that would be Flamsterette_X. :smiley:

I’ll give you that it is kinda long and mildly hard to spell… but why do you think I have all these abbreviations of the name here on this forum? :stuck_out_tongue: (F_X, Flam, Flami, Flammi, Flammie, Flammy, Flamster, etc.)

Especially on crab and lobster. Mmmm, yummy. (but I’ve only had it that way once… usually, it has butter and green onions and such in the sauce) Awfully expensive stuff, though… but good!
I know you all think I’m volatile and likely to explode at the drop of a hat (and therefore that all of you irritate me :wink: ), but that’s not the case. Here’s a short list of the posters who haven’t really irritated me in my time here (in no particular order):

Ice Wolf

That’s all I can think of right now. I have to go eat besides…


Cyrin You have just made my week!

To be listed in such fine company is honor enough.


I guess I irritate everybody. I’m a little irritated about that.

you’re telling the master of all irritants, me.

Well, AK, you are from Indiana…


No kidding. I feel like donating him/her a kidney.