Posting of graphics on the SDMB

We’ve been having a problem with users posting graphics from other sites on the SDMB, notably smilies found on the site. Please be aware that by posting such graphics you’re taxing the other guy’s server and using up his network capacity, also known as bandwidth theft. We recognize that graphics can help illustrate a point but request that users refrain from excessive or frivolous use of this feature or we’re going to have to disable it.

You don’t have to tell me twice - I’m all over it.

Question - is it possible to beef up SD’s complement of graphics, notably the smilies that everyone is so fond of (including me)?

Just a thought.


Ask the Gay Guy!

We’ll behave.

I plead guilty to having used the laughing smiley in the past, and vow to refrain from using it again, unless we get one of our own. :frowning: A thousand humble apologies.

I will not be used!! Oh, wait, I’m an appliance. Never mind…

(sig from the endlessly creative mind of WallyM7)

NP Ed. I’ve already asked a mod to remove the one I used. Mea Culpa

Cecil said it. I believe it. That settles it.

I’ve always tried to limit my posting of graphics to critical needs like pictures of Michelle or Ashley Judd.

just testing before posting in another thread. thanks.

Lexicon, I’ve gotta hand it to you, you’ve got guts. Posting a graphic from another site in the very thread where our administrator Ed Zotti starts out by saying “Don’t post graphics from other sites!”

Sometimes it’s so hard to detect irony and sarcasm.

Say, Ed? I will be your cybernetic love slave 4ever if you will speak to OgreFade about his “post your desktop” thread. Smoke started coming out of the back of my computer about halfway through the download.

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” - the White Queen


You doofus, I don’t want you banned from the boards…stop this now or you will be flogged when you moved to C Springs.

If you wanna post a graphic, at least use your own site!

I forgot.


Most people here have access to their own web space. It should be stressed that using your own space for pulling a small graphic (not like the one on the Post your desktop thread) but small graphics should be okay.

Also, it should be noted that not only is using graphics from a site you do not own considered “stealing bandwidth” is also goes against most copyright violations.

If a Doper steals a graphic and places it on their own site, this helps keep The SD out of copyright violation issues. I don’t recommend to anyone to steal anyone else’s graphics, but if you do, leave The SD out of it.

Thanks for all the comments, folks; y’all are the greatest.

In the argument made to keep the use of images in the hands of the Teeming Millions, I pointed out that our own forum members are vigilant and help keep the unknowing and the uncaring from Doing Bad Things. You’re all our first line of defense against these things, and until the day we’re able to read this board real time 24/7 we need your help.

(Note: that day will most likely never come.)

We appreciate your assistance, don’t hesitate to bring something you see to our attention.

your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope

I have a bunch of graphics stored on my own website. Is it OK to post those here? I mean the smaller ones (the similie type ones) not the great big graphics that I have. None of them are stolen from anyone - I got them all from friends and free sites.

As long as the graphics are:
(a) Graphics you have created yourself
(b) Graphics you have permission to use (given to you by friends should qualify–if there’s any doubt, just ask 'em)
© Graphics gotten from a site that gives blanket permission to use the graphics (i.e. not a site that gives conditional permission, such as “okay to use on personal websites if credit is given and a link to the graphics site is provided”)
it would probably be okay. Just not huge ones.

What about graphics from my personal AOL site? Would that be okay? Aol’s server is beyond HUGE, I think they can handle it. If this is ok, I’ll put all o dem cute smilies onto a site fer y’all. If it would be bad I wont though. K? Just give me the 411, and I’ll go ahead.

Ophanim: Looking for loopholes in everything since late 1996

Not Voted, **Coolest, Dumbest, Happiest, Drunkest, Surliest, Gayest, Most Godly, or anything else! ** Damn you all to HELL!

Where’s my side of FUN!?

I’d advise you to check AOL’s ToS and see if they have any restrictions on it, Ophy. And then make sure you re-check them every time they change the ToS. This is not something you want to lose your account over.

Also, the images are probably copyrighted, so you would need to either check out the site before downloading to see if the copyright owner has given permission for the smileys to be posted, or ask for permission to let people post them.

What Kat said, plus, remember if you give permission for everyone on this board to feel free to scatter images in every thread from your site, you can NEVER leave AOl because they will remove your webspace and all the images will end up as broken links and the board will grind to a halt and many people here will hunt you down and commit various horible acts on your body and on your family members.

Actually, I was trying to create a record breaking run-on sentence, but I don’t think I got close, only 76 words. But, it is something to think about. There is no good way to go back and change all those links in all the threads if you move to a different provider.

Putting a picture of your self or your cat up from your webspace is one thing, but when dozens of people are using dozens of images from your site, then instead of one or two broken image links, you end up with hundreds, well, there might be some very unhappy moderators and fellow posters.

Only 54 words in that one, I’ll give up now.


How does this work?

How does this work?