Posting Problem

I’ve been trying to post to this thread for the last couple days but no luck. I type my reply in the box and submit but it never shows up. After awhile I just get the “Cannot find page” error. I can post in other threads and obviously open new threads.

After trying and failing to post my words from there here I now suspect that it is a length issue. I seem to be able to make short posts but not long ones. And I don’t mean superlong, just a quote and one substantial paragraph in response.

Help would be appreciated.

Since this place is for testing. Try posting it here. (to see if it’s not a problem specific to that thread)

I did notice in the past that shorter posts had a better chance of getting through.

You could split it up into two posts, as a last resort maybe.

I did try posting it here. It didn’t work.

I didn’t think of splitting the post in 2 though. Perhaps that would work though I’ll wait to see if there are other suggestions first.
