Posting Questions about slang

Which forum at these message boards should I go to to post questions about slang? This forum, or the general questions forum?
The reason I ask is because I posted a topic “Slang names for dice and dominoes” at the general questions froum, and I haven’t gotten any responses yet.
Please let me know. Thank you.

Domino (42) slang
If your trump is the
6s: Box cars
5s: Texas Stars
4s: I’m so ashamed. I can’t remember.
3s: Tres for Trigger
2s: Ducks
1s: Aces
Blanks: Blanks

Dominoes themselves: Bones.

The problem seems to be that there just AREN’T but so many slang words for the actual die/dominoes.

Our categories are not always distinct, there’s a little grey around the edges, so your queston probably belongs in General Questions, but it’s OK to revisit here.

Just because you didn’t get a response doesn’t mean that it was in the wrong forum. More probably, it means that no one who saw it knew.

I’ve heard dice referred to as “bones.”

And I think 1s are “snake eyes.”

Re: dice, that is…


Blanks: Windows. (or winders if you’re *really * Texan)

Other other names for dominoes besides “tiles” and “African dice”, and “Alligatr teeth”?

That should read “Alligator teeth”. :C

Tiles, bones and ivories are other names for dominoes. Any others?

WHat are names for loaded and crooked dice?