Potty Privacy!

In case it hasn’t occurred to you by now, your boyfriend is a dick.

He picks the lock to get in the bathroom while you’re in there? And this has happened more than once? WTF? Whether or not he does it because it’s a sexual fetish is besides the point. He obviously doesn’t care enough about you or your feelings to respect your wishes.

That’s insane, and a giant red flag. Get up and leave without saying a word the next time he does it.

I wouldn’t give him a next time. What a dick! You have a very simple and normal request to not do a gross thing that upsets you, and he goes to great lengths to do the thing that upsets you. What kind of man does that? Not one I’d stay with, that’s for damn sure. This is ridiculous, childish, and mean behavior. Dump him.

Frankly, I would say you shouldn’t even wait until the next time he does it. Just leave. Now. He has amply demonstrated that he does not respect you or your wishes. By allowing him to continue, YOU are demonstrating that you don’t respect yourself. And it will only get worse.

I say give him what he wants. Next time you’re at his place, take a dump on his pillow, then go home.

Picking the lock of a locked door in order to get in to peer at you, especially after you’ve made it clear that such behavior is unwanted, is a red-flag, IMO. Who does that?? :confused:

A peeping tom.

I just got done talking to him about it and he said that he thought I was embarrassed so in his mind, him being overly okay with it, would make me less embarrassed. He says he won’t do it again and apologized for being an ass.

  • I asked some coworkers, and their responses all seemed to be for me to go to the extreme with it. To make him never want to get near the bathroom while Im busy in there again. I was given 2 exlax tabs and a redbull, and told to go their tonight an epic poop with the door wide open. childish and ridiculous as this sounds, I’d almost do it as punishment for him - too bad taking the exlax would really be punishing me!

Hey, thanks for coming back and updating us! :slight_smile: I’d say that was a fairly satisfying conclusion, overall - 9.2 points from the Polish judge. To be honest, I couldn’t fathom any reason someone would do this besides the “he’s a total douchenozzle” theory, but the explanation you say he gave you makes sense to me in a fuzzy, weird sort of way.

Anyway, I’m glad you two are able to talk through things rationally and reach a mutually satisfying conclusion. My parents have been married for 30+ years and have yet to learn how to do this, so you’re ahead in that game!

If he changes, wonderful. If he doesn’t, get out. I agree with others, he is showing a lack of respect for you, and people don’t often get more respectful as the relationship progresses. He gets a kick out of your feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable? He won’t listen to you when you explain how you feel? He thinks his way is the only right way? Lots and lots of red flags.

If he does change, however, good for both of you.

So, he was trying to fix you, by getting you used to someone picking the lock and coming in while you’re on the toilet? It’s a good thing he’s young, because that shit wouldn’t fly from an older guy (who presumably should know better). I wish you both the best of luck for the future, and hopefully he’ll learn to respect your opinions and wishes.

Indeed: the real lesson he needs to learn is that he’s not your teacher and he’s not your daddy, and it’s not up to him to give you life-improving lessons unless you specifically ask for them. If he wants a student, he should sign up to teach a course at the community center.

I think she meant his parents walk in on each other in the toilet

My sister was already out of the house so my dad thought nothing about strolling naked to and from the shower in front of me(guy) and my mom. I guess every family has different nudity and toilet comfort levels.

I heart you.

Just noticed this part. “He has become almost obsesed with finding out when I am doing this???”
I don’t wanna hear any new promises from him! His reform kind of reminds me of the stories of the wife beaters who promise and swear that they will never hit their wives again if they will only come back…
Listen, the only time to pick a lock into a bathroom is when someone else is in the shower, and the picker has to use the toilet immediately, and there is no other toilet to be found. Unless somebody is in the restroom and blood is coming out from underneath the door! (We’ll count as a given the bucket of icewater when somebody is in the shower…at a frathouse.) He isn’t disrespectful of boundaries…he has a screw loose.

Get back with us in a few weeks for a follow up, please!


You know the romance is over
And love a dying flower
When he comes in to take a shit
While you are in the shower

Well, wipe first.

Well hey, all’s well that ends well. Good on ya for bringing it up, even if it probably wasn’t fun. And good on your boy for realizing that his actions were the opposite of helpful. I wouldn’t listen much to the subsequent comments because they seem a bit over the top.

I was going to say, though, that if it continues, I’d pee on him. However, if he likes that, you may have another problem on your hands.

What on earth would be the course title?

Be glad you don’t have a food allergy. He sounds like the type who’d slip some peanut butter in your meal “just to be sure”.