Pre-Poll Opinion Gathering: Who's your favorite "talking head"?

I don’t know about you but I miss the days of Tom Brokaw. He was the last of the “trustworthy” news commentators for me. Before that there were quite a few including Cronkite, Sevareid and maybe even Rather.

But I’d like to put up a poll to find the Dope’s preference(s) for whom to rely on for quality news.

My current list is rather short (pun intended) but might include:

Charlie Rose
Lawrence O’Donnell
Rachel Maddow

Name some others you even watch/listen to. :slight_smile:

I was going to post Tina Weymouth, but never mind.

I had to look her up! :smiley:

Gwen Ifill
Judy Woodruff

(PBS Newshour if you weren’t sure)

Oh, and Hari Sreenivasan, while I’m at it.