Pregnancy Food Cravings: A Poll

With #1, it was ice cream, mostly mint chocolate chip. Normal enough, I suppose.

With #2, it was these cheap frozen burritos, and cheesesteaks. I think I had a cheesesteak at least 3-4 times a week the entire pregnancy.

With #3, it was this certain brand of vegetarian egg rolls. I ate so many of them that our local grocery stores have now stopped carrying them; since I had the baby and quit buying 10 packages a week, nobody else buys them, so they dropped them. Yes, I am personally responsible for the veggie egg roll shortage in area supermarkets.

Cravings: Taco Bell, White Castle, LeeAnn Chin’s Lemon Chicken.

Uurp Foods: Ice, fountain soda, eggs of any sort, toast, coffee, popcorn, water, air…

It was a MISERABLE 9 months. Right before I went into labor I had a bologna and cheese sandwich - to this day the smell of bologna nauseates me.

One pregnancy.

At various times, I craved:

McDonalds (McGriddles and Big Macs)
ice (I ate ice like it was going out of style. I also made lime ice - see next.)
Lime water - used something called “True Lime”, just crystallized lime that i put in my water. I also made ice out of it and ate that all night long.
Fresh fruit and vegetables - we hit up our produce guy all summer long.
Ice cream

These were the big ones. Other cravings came and went.