"Pregnant Women are Smug" is bad and it should feel bad

The song is comedy. It’s meant to be offensive in a certain way. I don’t know how much this reflects anyone’s feeling about the smugness of pregnant women, and I don’t recall any pregnant women I considered smug, so all I think of this song is a couple of female comics trying too hard to be edgy.

I’m aware of the fact that I’ve been a member for 13 years. I’m having trouble parsing your next point, though. What are you suggesting I think before telling you that you are over analyzing a comedy song?

I don’t think that’s the point. The point is more that it’s a cliche turn of phrase that (in their view) almost every pregnant woman says. They follow it up with “just ONCE I want to hear someone say: ‘don’t care if it’s braindead, don’t care if it’s limbless if it has a penis.’”

It has nothing to do with them deflecting the gender question, so much as the spurious relationship between health and caring about the physical sex, and the cookie-cutter phrasing.

I don’t really agree with them, but the song is far more about the stock phrases people of a certain class (in this case: pregnant women) say and the way our culture reacts to pregnancy than it is about being entitled to any personal information. It’s like making fun of how “how are you?” is an empty meaningless question because everyone will say “fine”. It’s really just the musical version of “Shit girls/white people/guys/whatever say”, which is, okay, problematic in its own right, but the song is more of an observation of common social and cultural norms than a condemnation of anyone.

I am saying I am very surprised you think that’s a good point to make. I am sure you’ve witnessed this conversation dozens of times. I’d think you’d know what the next step in the conversation is, and that you’d anticipate it.

I don’t know, it’s a common source of frustration for me–I am always surprised when people don’t just think the next thought.

Unless it’s saying something other than what it says.

No, I really think chili ought not have beans in it.

This is the same group that has songs titled “I Would Never (Have Sex With You)” and “Why isn’t there more Fucking on this Island?” and another song about having anal sex so they technically remain virgins. Anyone listening to one of their songs and getting seriously offended needs to take a step back and have their humor meters recalibrated.

And speaking as the husband of a pregnant lady - they can be smug at times about the whole growing another person thing.

Or a song titled “Sex With Ducks” - which I’m pretty sure is another example of a song where they don’t really mean what they’re singing.

The classic “Fuck Me In The Ass Because I Love Jesus”.

I thought he made a very good point. You appear to be obsessing very weirdly, and to have things way out of proportion, even by your usual standards.


What gives you the impression that I’m obsessing?

I made an argument in the OP, I replied to some of the responses. Is there something more that I’ve done, or some manner in which I’ve done it, that gives evidence of “obsessing?” Over what?

njtt, the above is what you think constitutes a “very good point”? Just to be clear.

Nit: The correct title is “The Loophole.” :wink:

At the risk of analyzing a joke until we’re staring at sub-atomic particles… in the song, the narrators are frustrated with cliches that are supposed to sound deep. The viewpoint of the narrators of the song (let’s not say it’s what the comedians think) is that women who use these cliches are turning an obligatory, boring social interaction into something fraught with gender politics implications and that this behavior is annoying. They’re objecting to the implication that it’s petty to care about the fetus’ gender - in part, I think, because when you’re talking about a fetus there is only so much you can talk about in the first place. The pregnant lady in the song asserts the implications of her views as obvious, and they’re saying that’s not necessarily true. You can prefer a boy or a girl without being petty or a horrible sexist. And they’re annoyed by the whole thing because they’re not interested in the baby’s gender or name in the first place and are just trying to make conversation. Sage Rat is correct that you can assign some blame to either party: there’s no concrete reason to deflect the question and it’s not nice to use a question as an excuse to assert your superiority over the person you’re talking to. On the other hand there’s no reason to repeat the question if the speaker obviously doesn’t want to answer; take the hint. What’s being challenged here are the cliches.

Where are you getting the stuff about gender politics?

It was a quick summary of “We don’t care as long as it’s healthy.” I suppose there are a couple of ways to read the woman’s refusal to answer the question, but one of them is that it’s sexist to have a preference.

These are the answers.

You misspelled “poophole.”
(will I regret this joke in the morning? Probably.)

Uh, well you do seem to be obsessing on the pregnancy/child side of life. For example your thread about too many children.

When I said “you don’t have to care about this song”, I meant anyone. Pregnant women can listen to it, disagree, and continue as if they had never seen it.

Yes, we should care about the treatment of women by social forces, but I suppose I don’t see that the topics in this song are particularly harmful to women or society. Women might have some disadvantages in our society, but I’m not sure how this song contributes to that. If you disagree with the idea that pregnant women are smug, fair enough. But opposing every criticism of women’s behaviour (by which I don’t mean all women) that you don’t think is warranted isn’t helping anything. I know this is a bit flippant, and I mean no offence, but that attitude seems a little… patriarchal.

Yes, I get what you’re saying. But one can extrapolate your arguments to come to the conclusion that smugness, in general, should go uncriticized. As you said, you don’t have to care. If none of this is the questioner’s business, then how is it their business if the pregnant woman really is smug?

Sounds like the sort of thing a smug, pregnant woman would say. :smiley:

I like your interpretation, but personally, I take the song mostly at face value in that it really is intended primarily as observational humour that criticizes smug, pregnant women. It may well be that they questioner is intended to look bad too, but I don’t think that’s where most of the flak is aimed.

“He” seems a strange pronoun to use here.

I don’t know why you would think the questioner can’t conceive of someone who’s more worried about health than sex. The questioner is saying that talking about the health of the baby is a non sequitur, and has a faint “holier than thou” air about it.

I also assumed the writers of the song intended that to be the implication. That’s a big part of what makes the woman smug, from the questioner’s point of view.

I’m bored. This thread gives me something to do. I have no complaints.

How have I not noticed we have a Superdude here? Nice name.