Presenting AMERICAN GREATNESS, my new political satire comic book/graphic novel (Kickstarter)

Presenting AMERICAN GREATNESS, a political satire comic book/graphic novel. It was originally a novel called CULTURAL PRACTICES OF THE HEARTLAND – which at least a handful of Dopers have read. But the visuals of the story stuck with me so long, and so deeply, that I felt like I absolutely had to see them “on paper”. So I hired an artist (a fantastic artist named Seb Valencia) and made a cover and a few sample pages of comic book art, and I was so excited by them that I felt like I had to do the whole story. But of course, great artists don’t work for free, so I’m trying out a Kickstarter campaign (my first) to raise enough money to pay the artist for the whole project.

And now it’s LIVE:

Very brief summary: The last 8 years of American politics, distilled into a revolting, orange haired, tiny-fingered thousand-foot monster, tromping through the American heartland.

Longer summary: Deep within the suburban jungle of Cincinnati, a monster has emerged, bursting out of the Rumpke Sanitary Landfill. Taking its name from its birthplace, Rumpke is a thousand feet tall, has revolting personal habits, and might be vaguely familiar to readers, considering his orange-tinged hair and proportionally tiny hands. What do Americans do when such a creature appears, lumbers around at random, and occasionally defiles a local landmark? For millions, the choice is obvious – worship it.

New York journalist Fred Millard is assigned to report on the exploits of the monster, his bizarre fandom, and the ludicrous internet conspiracy theories that have caught fire since his appearance. Fred quickly learns that the absurdity of Rumpke’s fandom leads to more serious consequences than mere internet hysteria – when serious illness starts to spread in those closest to the monster, its biggest fans refuse to follow the government’s guidance of masking and social distancing, worsening the outbreak. And most appalling of all, one conspiracy theory inspires a violent mob to assemble in Washington, DC and assault a federal building, with deadly results.

A funhouse-mirror reflection of modern American politics, AMERICAN GREATNESS is a raunchy and hilarious political satire comic series. With art by Seb Valencia, it was written for all of us who are exhausted, baffled, and even terrified by the insanity of American politics in recent times.

If you have any interest in political satire, comic books, or just checking out the work of a fellow Doper, I hope you’ll check out the Kickstarter link above! Thank you.

Great first day - already 15% of the way towards my goal! Thanks to everyone who already contributed! For everyone else, remember that it’s not a donation, but rather you’re purchasing a copy of the final comic, digital or printed version (among other rewards), which will be sent to you when the project is complete.

Continued good progress - over a quarter funded. For anyone thinking about it, it’s not a donation - think of it as a pre-order. You’re reserving a copy of the final comic book (among other possible rewards you can choose). Your support is much appreciated!

Nothing I’m interested in, but wanted to wish you good luck with this.

Thank you!

I chipped in. Obviously I wanted iiandyiiii’s signature, but I also did it to support art. Fingers crossed for you.

Terrific! Thanks so much!

Just crossed $1000! Still a ways to go, but I’m feeling good so far.

I was interviewed by a comics podcast about my project:

Almost halfway to my funding goal! Thanks again to the Dopers who have contributed!

Slow growth the last couple of days – if you’re thinking about contributing, please please please take a look! You can pre-order a digital or print copy, and if the goal isn’t reached, you get your money back.

Please take a look if you like satire – I still need some more help!

Clawed my way over 80% of my goal, but there’s only 6 days left – if you like political satire, and haven’t taken a look, I hope you will soon! Thanks so much to those who’ve already contributed!