Preserving a link to a particular feed

Typically when you go to sites such as YouTube you will get a pageful of suggested things to read or watch. However since that page is simply under the home address of the site, you will never get that particular feed ever again. Is there any way to save a particular one-time page of suggestions?

I doubt there’s any designed-in way to do that either at the website end or at the browser end. And what you’re describing is not technically a “feed”; it’s just contents generated for your particular pageview in the form of a list of suggestions.

I have two different personal habits to “solve” that problem. Neither of which are original nor very darn good. But FWIW:

One is to right-click on each link and choose “open in new tab”. Or equivalently use Ctrl-click on each of them. Now I’ve got the whole page of suggestions “saved” temporarily as a collection of tabs. Each of which of course contains additional suggestions I may find interesting once I actually look at that page.

So then I watch or read the tab I’m on, then close it and move on to the next tab. Where in turn I Ctrl-click any interesting suggestions and then watch / read this tab then close it. Lather rinse repeat.

I use the same technique for wiki & YouTube. Often I get 50 or 75 tabs going and it might take a week to finally get bored with the links-from-links-from-links rabbit trails I’ve explored. Meantime I’ve got a different browser window open that I use for anything not related to this particular exploration.

The other technique I use is the same big idea. But instead of opening the interesting suggestions as tabs, I’ll do “add link to favorites” into a special favorites folder I have just for throwaway curiosity links.

Which folder I’ll chip away at from oldest to newest from time to time, deleting them as they’re visited. Once that folder gets about 500 links in it, I delete everything more than a couple weeks old & let it grow again.

In case you wondered, why yes, the WWW is too big to read or watch in its entirety. But I’m trying!

I don’t get you. On my list of recommendations, under the 3 dots for each item I have options to ::

Add to queue
Save to watch later
Add to playlist

I guess I would do each one separately. Don’t you guys get this?

Mind you, I mostly use DFTube so that I get no recommendations. Maybe it has something to do with that.

This is why we frequently see news stories about people who are found having starved to death in front of a screen showing 200 tabs of TV Tropes pages.

Odd you should say that.

By far the worst evening-night-wee hours-sunrise tabbing binge I ever did was on TV Tropes. I’m not proud of this, but they say admitting your problem is the first step to recovery. :slight_smile:

To my credit I haven’t been back to that site since. It’s been years. Maybe I’m getting better. Maybe.

About 5 years ago I started using the middle option, for anything the algorithm recommended to me that looked interesting. That worked okay until I hit the max YouTube allows on a list, 5000 items in my Watch Later list. So then I started creating my own custom overflow lists and now I’ve got over 60 of them. Now when I decide to watch older saved things I’ll pick one of the lists at random and go through it on random shuffle, deleting items from the list as I watch them. I want to make sure lists eventually get fully drained, so even later when I’ve made room on a list through deletions, I never add anything more to it once it’s been maxed out.

I know I’m adding videos to my lists a lot faster than I watch them, So be it. I’ve got enough entertainment to last me the rest of my life. :slight_smile:

I’ve noticed that after you’ve watched Youtube for a while, a lot of the items on the homepage will be from channels you’ve watched before, and similar topics or genres that you’ve watched before. I assume that this is from cookies, because I virtually never log in to my Google account while I’m on Youtube.

Which is why it’s fun to occasionally open an incognito window and see what YouTube offers when it doesn’t know it’s you.