President Joe Biden and the runup to the 2024 election

I think they meant low-information voters who then tune into the debates instead of just remaining low-information.

Yes, I meant that there aren’t many who would be undecided and low-info but still willing to watch, and even fewer who would be swayed by the debate. And fewer still who live in states where it matters. But by golly, let’s get 'em on board!

True, but do note Biden has always been prone to gaffes all his career.

Biden has no serious challengers.

And trump didnt follow the rules anyway. And he wont.


I think that if trump was made to follow the rules, Biden would debate him. The moderator would have to have a cut-off switch and use it often.

Some info on that-

Before the bill had been released, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz described it as “a steaming pile of crap.” After seeing it, Cruz said, “it turned out my assessment was far too kind.”

On Feb. 7, the bill failed in the Senate after it was opposed by all but four Republicans and a few Democrats. Some of the criticism leveled by Republicans opposing the bill was based on a distortion of what it would and would not do.

Trump and other Republicans have also said the bill would have permitted up to 5,000 illegal entries per day, but that’s not accurate either.

No. he just wont follow the rules. He didnt follow the rules in court giving testimony, he wont follow debate rules.


JFK vs Nixon- it likely changed the election. Also Obama did very well.

It isn’t even that. He doesn’t directly say that Biden is a forgetful old man, he says that jurors might see him as a forgetful old man and so be unlikely to convict him of purposely taking the documents. But of course this subtlety is lost in the rush to prove Biden’s senility.

I wonder if the reason he did this was to protect himself from being targeted by MAGA. If he comes out simply saying he is declining to prosecute Biden then he will instantly open himself to death threats as a shill for the Deep State. By throwing in this obviously partisan line he might be given a reprieve.

OK we require that the Debate be moderated by Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, with the audience selected from the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, who will be provided with pieces of Rotten fruit that they are allowed to throw at the candidates. Still want to debate Mr. Biden?

I’ll have the entire FBI surrounding the place, ready to arrest them all for assaulting the President as they leave, so, maybe?

Not even Ford did it.

I was talking about debating Trump. Of course he isn’t going to debate his primary challengers.

This post really nails it. Well said.

As a young man, Biden had a big stuttering problem. He worked to overcome it and has kept it in check pretty well since about College age on. I learned this years ago from some PBS show about him.

It can be a real disability to stutter.
Trump should shut his tiny pie hole making fun of Biden stumbling over a few words. It’s amazing the man can do any public speaking.

I saw one of the legal people on MSNBC make a good point. When you file a report like this to the DOJ, you generally include the facts as well as your opinion on why or why not you should bring a case. That includes reporting on which witnesses, defendants etc could be problematic and which the jury would be likely to believe or sympathize with. It would be an appropriate part of this report to note that even if Biden were charged, a jury would be likely to empathize with him. What is not appropriate is for Garland to make that part of the report public.

trump wont follow the rules. The GOp has already said so, but trump didnt follow the rules before, he didnt even follow the rules in court.

Why play games with a cheater?
Never wrestle with a pig because you’ll both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw

This sums up the situation Biden faces. Trump is unpopular, so a good candidate can beat him by starting out ahead and mostly sitting on their lead. It arguably worked well for Biden last time because he started out ahead.

Sitting on a not-quite-tie, and pig wrestling, seem the unattractive 2024 alternatives.

A game where Trump sets unreasonable debate conditions and then tries to paint Biden as the coward seems inevitable. If Biden refuses to play, it will cost him.

I feel like every voter has already made up their mind anyway.

Not every voter has decided whether they will vote at all. That’s the key.

Yeah, that’s the system: every single election has tens of millions voters who can’t be bothered but whose votes would change the outcome, and tens of millions who do vote, but aren’t in swing states so could probably stay home with no effect.

Democracy! Mostly, anyhow.

And a lot can happen between now and November.

Just think about February 2020 and how much happened between then and the election.

FWIW, from the New York Times (gift link)

Re recent public gaffes by both Biden and trump-

Some of it comes down to basic physical differences.

Mr. Biden’s voice has grown softer and raspier, his hair thinner and whiter. He is tall and trim but moves more tentatively than he did as a candidate in 2019 and 2020, often holding his upper body stiff, adding to an impression of frailty. And he has had spills in the public eye: falling off a bicycle, tripping over a sandbag.

Mr. Trump, by contrast, does not appear to be suffering the effects of time in such visible ways. Mr. Trump often dyes his hair and appears unnaturally tan. He is heavyset and tall, and he uses his physicality to project strength in front of crowds. When he takes the stage at rallies, he basks in adulation for several minutes, dancing to an opening song, and then holds forth in speeches replete with macho rhetoric and bombast that typically last well over an hour, a display of stamina.

“It is the perception of how you communicate,” said Carol Kinsey Goman, a speaker and coach on leadership presence. “When Trump makes those kinds of faux pas, he just brushes it off, and people don’t say, ‘Oh, he’s aging.’ He makes at least as many mistakes as Joe Biden, but because he does it with this bravado, it doesn’t seem like senility. It seems like passion.”

With Mr. Biden, Ms. Goman said, “it looks like weakness.”

To amplify a famous Trump quote, I genuinely believe that he could pull out an AR-15 modified (for ‘full auto’ operation) with a bump stock, and just massacre the first three rows at one of his rallies.

Y’know: for poops and grins.

And though it would take several minutes, the survivors would quickly refer to their fallen comrades as “filthy RINOs” and “traitors” and spit on their graves.

It isn’t my sense (he said, tongue firmly in cheek) that Joe Biden has followers with anywhere near that level of obsequity and slavish devotion. What inures to the benefit of our nation in every single way hurts Biden in polling and electoral politics.

How would people at his rallies react if he told them to get a vaccine?