President Richard Nixon shares his views on gay people

So, can’t Tricky Dicky be wrong on just one thing?

Would the OP care to describe the contents of the video?

I have the same request.

I bet it’s the part on the White House tapes where Nixon asks Haldeman, “Speaking purely hypothetically, if someone put a gun to your head and forced you to make out without another man, but you get to pick who that man is, who would you choose?” It’s followed by an extensive debate over the relative merits of Steve McQueen v Burt Reynolds.

(For reals, it’s probably Nixon complaining about gays being depicted on “All in the Family” Transcript:

Well that’s it, I’m never going to vote for Nixon again. And he was so popular before this gaffe, too.

So you’re saying you liked Dick up until now?

Old man born in 1913 has old man views on homosexualty. Plus, he has old man views on the power of television.

I disagree with him on homosexuality. As far as his views on the power of television is concerned he is probably correct.

Here’s the full conversation…that up there were excerpts:

[quote=“ILikeForeignLanguages, post:1, topic:696945”]


This was the edited version of your OP?

The link works for me. I’m not sure why people are acting like they can’t access the video.

They can access the video. They want more details from you because it’s considered a little rude to post a video without a description of the contents - so please explain a little bit about what Nixon says.

And even ruder without, right? :wink:

The video works fine. However, posting an OP with nothing more than a link is strongly frowned upon here.

Give us a synopsis, and perhaps something to base a discussion on.

On review, I see I was ninja’d.

Not really surprising he was a homophobe, but I was kind of surprised that even in private he seems to buy into homosexuality being a leftist plot to destroy America. Kinda figured (or hoped) that sort of thing was just what he fed the rubes.

What do you guys mean by saying I didn’t write a description of the content? I believe a I put it very clearly in the title of this thread. “President Richard Nixon shares his views on gay people.” It’s at the top of the thread. You’ll see it if you look at it. :rolleyes:

That isn’t a description of the content. It’s, at best, a description of a description of the content. A description of the content would be something like “Nixon believed that homosexuality was a leftist plot”. Or at the very least, “Nixon was opposed to homosexuality”.

And what, exactly, is the big, hairy deal? Are you people really so hostile that you would criticize someone for not putting every detail of the video in the description? That’s what the video itself is for - so you can watch it and find out what the contents are for yourselves. And the title of the thread is** a description. It indicates that Nixon will be sharing his stance on gay people. I wanted the negative things he said to be a surprise to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats, and I also wanted to watch the surprised comments come rolling in, to see what the dopers’ overall response would be. You guys are literally criticizing me for not** spoiling the video, which is, in my opinion, back-buttwards logic.

We don’t want to be surprised by the contents of a link. We want to be able to discuss the issue or decide whether to click it based on a basic understanding of what’s there before clicking. If you have something to say about it, we should be able to understand it purely from the content of your post.

Describe what Nixon says about gays or I’m closing this thread. Don’t argue with me or anyone else about this further; you are wasting your time and also everybody else’s.