Pretend that the SDMB was around in 1997

Posted September 5, 1997:

Is it true that Marilyn Manson is that kid from The Wonder Years?

We were around, just as a community on AOL. And there is a reason we brought MPSIMS over to this new place with us.

We probably did discuss that in 1997, actually. Wouldn’t surprise me.

Many peoples ask me if ketchup is better than mustard.

Who’s the better captain, Kirk or Picard?

So…who thinks Princess Diana’s death was an assassination?

Man, those pictures the robot’s sending back from Mars are awesome!

That Y2K thing is going to be the end of the world. Planes falling from the sky, hospitals going dark, cats marrying dogs…

Is it true that AOLHell will let me connect here without paying the per-minute rate?

(Can’t remember when 6¢ per minute became unlimited per month or some other usage plan.)

Hey guys, I found some really cool titanic wallpaper, you should check it out! Seriously, it’s awesome!

You guys need to go to Alta Vista right now and search for hamster dance. You can thank me later.


What’s awesome is that it’s still around. :smiley:

Well…Hamsterdance is, anyway.

The Star Wars prequels are going to rock.

Hey, I just bought some Nortel stock and I’m going to retire in a a few years. This company is going through the roof, man!

I just had a baby. Leave me alone.

That really takes me back.

It’s been 11 years! Does anyone else think the Simpsons has gone downhill?

And does anyone have a phrase for a TV show going downhill?

A black golfer? Seriously? That’s about as likely as a black president.

Where can I find Beanie Babies? Need answer fast.

Anyone else heard the latest ridiculous rumor about Clinton? No one who’s smart enough to be elected President would be stupid enough to get blowjobs in the Oval Office.