Price of Cheap Shoes: Climbing Madly or Not?

I usually buy casual shoes at cheapo places like Payless Shoe Source, Shoe Carnival, Target, etc.

It seems to me in the last year or so that prices have roughly doubled on generic sneakers or casual loafers. The other day I was looking for basic canvas slip-ons, expecting to see them around $20 for the crappy ones and $30 for the nicer ones. Try $45 and $65. I was dumbfounded.

No-name store brand generic sneakers were going for $80 to $120. WTF??

So: Is my perception real, or have prices been higher for the last couple years & I’m just now noticing? Does anybody have a good recommendation for online cheapo men’s shoes?

Zappos was the main place last I heard, in part because of its return policy:

Any reason for preferring cheapo casual shoes? The perception that there’s little marginal utility in going from cheap casual to middle market casual?

My light casual shoes are Rockports that have lasted years and have been my most comfortable running shoes. My heavy casual shoes are my army boots from 2007 with Dr. Scholls footbeds and they’re pretty good too.

I get Walmart canvas Converse knock-offs. Ten years ago I got a pair for five bucks and they lasted me until this spring. I paid 25 dollars for the same brand and style and the rubber edges are already cracking. Quality has dropped and the price has soared, no doubt about it.

Cheap or expensive, they get scuffed and filthy in 6 months. I swear I spend more time walking on my own feet than I do walking on the ground. Once they look like crap they go to Goodwill.

By that time the cheapos are getting ready to fall apart, but better quality ones would have lots of life left in them. Life I paid extra for but that some thrift shop customer will enjoy.

By the way, CostCo’s Kirkland brand shoes have been excellent, rugged and comfortable. And a nice pair of white leather running shoes were $16.95. For that kind of money, you can afford a pair every time they get dirty. These have been every bit as good quality as any of the expensive name brands. I’ve been wearing a pair every day for more than a year.