Priest caught having sex with 2 women in church

Here’s the Google street view. It’s basically a house, rather than a formal church.

And yeah, no one’s seeing anything from the street, unless they make a special effort to do so.

You would think three people could have relaxing sex in a place like that. It’s off the street and pretty secluded. I don’t see a criminal conviction in their future

as a kid my catholic pastor was caught swimming in a local swim club pool at night when it was closed. Don’t think anything happened to him.

My friends and I would swim at that pool at night. We normally had a few people but one night we had about 10 people in the pool and the cops showed up with their blue lights. We were able avoid the cops by running in the direction away from the cop car.

Well done Padre.
What exactly seems to be the problem? Unless he was telling them they needed to fuck em for penance.

Where’s that thread about what kind of God atheists would want to have?

I think the church is across the street: here

Depending on the interior layout, someone could see through those big glass doors when it’s dark out and the lights are on inside.

Maybe he did not pay them so they could not bust him for paying a hooker.

According to the automatic banner that was posted, this is your first post in 17 years, @BurglarGenie! Welcome back! :slightly_smiling_face:

And I say, “Hey, Father, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.” And he says, “Oh, uh, there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.” So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.

Back in my day, you named a church after just one saint. None of this Saint Peter and Saint Paul nonsense. That’s practically telling the pastor to have a threesome.

With Mother Mary, no doubt.

At the angle those two sets of doors are at, there is no way you can see the alter from the street.

Oops, ninja’d.

Just let it be…

Did you hear about the woman who was selling hand jobs to pay off a loan shark named Paul

She was rubbing peters to pay Paul.

Wrong group.

The altar is against two giant stained glass windows clearly visible from the street. If lights were on, you’d probably see at least a shadowy ass bouncing.

Pic for illustration.

Is that image from the street?

Yeah, from Google:

“Mother Mary come …”

Actually, this seems rather tame for New Orleans and vicinity. As for them defiling the church, my guess is that it had been defiled worse already.