Prince Harry on 60 Minutes — what’s his story? Good guy? Spoiled brat? What?

Does anyone think that if he dropped the royal title, he would stop attracting attention? I’ll bet that the press, at least in America, would continue to call him “Prince Harry”.

Even when those bullies are being spoon fed information by your own family business?

For sure.
Which BTW is the lot of a heap of people who are not “royal”.
Sports stars, music stars, film stars, business moguls and their heirs, high-powered politicians. The one thing “royals” have over those is the “I didn’t ask for this” factor.

The Brit Tab ecosystem has an odd relationship with the royals in that they run them as a sort of WWE show of designated faces and heels, only that half of the scripting of who has whose role is done by the outsiders, and the winners and losers can be rewritten on the fly, again, by outsiders. One week they are all a bunch of unemotional German rich sods; the next week they are to be exemplars of sacrifice to duty and old-school values, above the common passions; but also why are you not more in touch with the people; you should not air out the dirty laundry; but WE WANT TO SEE IT; etc. The late Queen herself went from high to low to high appreciation over the years and along with everyone else was for the last quarter century judged guilty of the sin of Not Being Diana. Which is still the fault found with everyone else to this day and is somewhat tiresome.

…this has never been the best strategy to deal with bullies.

Are we calling the tabloids ‘bullies’, or the Royal Family here? Harry’s bringing up all these allegations against his family when he knows that they can never respond in the same way. I’m not aware of the Royal Family spoon-feeding anything to the Press in the manner suggested here.

Well, Harry said it’s what they do, and nobody in a position to know’s gainsaid that yet.

And the UK tabloids are definitely the bullies here. Have we forgotten how they operate so soon?

I didn’t say it was easy (or that I condone such tactics in any way). I just think constantly adding fuel to that fire isn’t helping it to burn out.

Harry can make any accusation he likes, be they willfully or unwittingly true or false, knowing that it won’t be officially challenged. The fact that the accusation then remains unchallenged does not mean that it somehow gains any additional validity.

Can he though?

Pretty much, The Royal Family have a policy of not responding. I suppose if there were outright claims of illegal activity that might tip the balance but I don’t think he has to go there to satisfy his needs.

I didn’t say anything about “officially challenged”. I said nobody has. Not the Firm, not tabloid journalists, not ex-staff. Nobody that I’m aware of has said “they never do that”. And some in a position to know have confirmed that they do do that.

He said, she said.
I’m in the position where I believe neither side about pretty much anything that’s being said. Whether it is Harry and Meghan or stories allegedly “leaked” from the palace. It all seems like a one-sided family argument being aired in public and for one side at least they can be assured their’s is the only version being told.

Whereas, like I said, where the tabloids are concerned, I’ll believe anything said against them, unless it comes with very strong counter-proof.

Apart from the 24/7 stream of negative stories about them, many of which have been fed by anonymous Palace sources, of course.

There’s pretty much nothing the British tabloids aren’t capable of, nothing new there and no surprise to anyone.
Harry seems convinced that the tabloids are being specifically used by the Royal Family to purposefully target him and his family. That’s an accusation that he knows is not going to be rebutted and we don’t know if it is true or not. He does know that their is little danger to him in claiming it in his book.

The tabloids themselves have been claiming for years that rumours they report are from “senior palace sources”. That’s not something Harry just made up.

That certainly is Harry’s line.

Well of course they claim that, all the better to feed the public a story of dubious validity. I’m sure some stories leaked are true, some are false. Same with some of the stories from Harry and Meghan

We simply don’t know how much of what is being said is true. I trust neither side.

The one certain thing is that whatever Harry is saying, even if he is convinced it is true, is unlikely to solve anything.

Ah, the “Of course they’d say that” approach.

Ah, the “both sides are just as bad” approach.

You didn’t have any issue repeatedly insinuating malign intent and dishonest practice on Harry’s part without evidence, but now any evidence supporting his claims must be considered suspect?

maybe you don’t know the British press as well as I do.

“just as bad”? I have no idea. I only have access to one side of the argument and one account of what has happened. Assuming humans remain humans I’m pretty confident that neither side would be completely honest.

I can’t know his intent, it is entirely possible even he isn’t sure of his intent. I did say elsewhere that he was obviously deeply troubled and traumatised, I feel sorry for him. I don’t think he is a bad person and I’m on record in previous threads of sticking up for him. Pointing out his bravery and military service and the respect his comrades had for him. That’s no mean feat.

However, though I can’t know his mind I do have the evidence of what he says in his book, his TV shows and his many. many interviews. In which he attacks the very family with which he seeks reconciliation. I’ll admit it may just be cluelessness on his part. He may not realise that this tactic is counterproductive or (and this is what I think is more likely) he is angry and striking out either in rage, revenge or perhaps in what he considers is defence.

I could be wrong, but whatever it is it is ugly to watch.