Prison Break 22/1 (Spoiler)

I was surprised that there were no threads on this show as of yet. You guys sick of the show already? Anyways, for those of you that watched it how would you have acted if you’d been in Bellicks shoes and was confronted by the big, bad black dude on steroids? I knew there was a catch to him asking for Bellicks desert, but I think that Bellick acted pretty smart under the circumstances. So much so that I’d say it’s pretty much the first time Bellick has actually used his brain in the series. As for what the repercussions of his actions will be, well, we’ll just have to wait and see. Somehow I don’t see him getting offed yet so the writers will have to concoct something to make him survive.

I liked how Bellick was playing a ‘bitch’ in the dessert scene until he clocked the big dude. I imagine the night guards just hate him enough to see him beat down but will keep it short of killing him.

I’m more worried about the brothers and Kellerman. What is the plan now? Road trip to DC to do what?

Why couldn’t they prove that the VP’s brother was who he really is? If his DNA is a match (for a sibling) it’s not like anyone is going to be able to say: Oh, that’s her other brother that no one ever heard of before.

I was disappointed. The different story lines are getting to disconnected and I’m losing interest. Do they wrap things up completely by the end of this season?

Legally there would be almost no possibility that a pair of escaped convicts would be able to force a sitting President of the United States to submit to a DNA test. I can’t imagine any court in the nation ordering President Reynolds to submit a sample. Even if a judge would be willing to order the President to submit, any appeal that Lincoln filed would almost certainly be dismissed out of hand.

Sure they could. Especially when a doctor examines the brother and notes the plastic surgery that had been done on his face and the fingerprints having been filed away. The guy has no identity, and he just happens to look a lot like the VP’s brother.

Are you forgetting the famous blue dress incident with Clinton? He had to submit to a DNA test.

Bellick, for all his faults, isn’t exactly a novice at the whole prison thing. I was surprised that it is backfiring this quickly on him, but it’s fun.

I would like to see them wrap up a few of these threads, it’s getting as convoluted as a soap opera, but they don’t have 5 shows a week to push through the various story lines.

I wish they would start airing the episodes a la 24 (like at least 2 a week).
Like you guys said, they’re creating a much bigger plot every episode that I don’t see an end to, at least not in this season. But I guess that’s where the proverbial “milking the cash cow” comes into play.

That was near the beginning of a civil action rather than at the end of an already protracted criminal action. Not that PB adheres to the laws of Nature, Man or Logic, but there are limits to the number and type of appeals that a convict can file, especially convicts under a death sentence. I’m pretty sure that it’s been established that Lincoln has exhausted his legal appeals, which is why traitor Nick and drippy Veronica were trying to get Governor Tancredi involved to commute the sentence. Factual innocence does not guarantee that the courthouse doors will be opened.

Oh, and as far as season three goes, I saw this last night on one of the wretched E! shows that was on in the background. It’s unconfirmed as far as I know by anyone involved in the show but supposedly season three will see Michael back in prison. Also, Sarah will be returning this season, with short hair.

I still like the show, despite all its faults. It’s like something written by Ionesco.

But the writers could work this into the plot nicely. The guy killed himself, and the cops will need to establish identity. Since the guy has no identity, the cops get access to something from one of the president’s close relatives that let them get DNA. Once they establish a close familial relationship, it’s a small step to subpoena a DNA sample from the prez. There have been much bigger leaps of logic than that in this series.

I’m still watching. At the end of the episode I said, “wonder how they’ll get out of this one?” Then I laughed at myself because I say that at the end of every episode.

I was glad Mahone survived, although that wasn’t really a shocker. It was a little disappointing when Mahone said he wanted out, when we’ve already been shown them threatening his kid. What was he thinking? Of course they’re going to go after your kid. How Mahone dealt with that little revelation was satisfying though.

I miss my Sucre. Maybe he gets away and lives happily ever after.

Have we really forgotten about Haywire? And his dog?

It would have been really disappointing if, after being chief guard for long, Bellick didn’t know how to handle the prison bitch thing he was being set up for. I don’t see how he could have handled it any other way. Surviving the night shift will be a challenge, but I figure he knows that prison pretty well and will come up with something.

I’m really tired of life in prison stories though, so I hope they don’t spend too much time there. If the main characters end up back in prison the show is probably going to lose me.

What are the chances of Bellick digging through the wall like Scofield and trying to save his ass that way, considering he knows the routines and the prison as well as he does?

I assume that will be season 3.
I’ve completely forgotten Sucre’s plot by now. Where is he?

I think he made it into Mexico aboard the plane that Michael and Linc were supposed to catch. Didn’t Malone have it shot down and Sucre and the pilot parachuted into the desert? Probably shouted “MARICRUUUUUUUUSE!” all the way down.

What Otto said, but I’m not sure if we know he actually made it into Mexico. His plane was shot down by an American fighter jet IIRC, and that would have been in American airspace. But he was probably pretty close to the border.

I think his plan was to hook up with his fiance somewhere near Mexico City, so he’s still got some ground to cover.

Of course, this show also has the magic cars & trucks which can take you back and forth across the country in what appears to be a matter of hours. Even on foot, I think Sucre can do about 600 miles/day.

Same transport system as in 24.

T-Bag is so delightfully evil that I want to see someone take him out, but I’d miss his character if they did. Still, I agree that they need to re-integrate the Fox River 4 (not counting Haywire) to push this forward. Sarah, however, can stay wherever she is. I’m not too fond of her.