You can either believe that people in the system should not be allowed to marry and have conjugal visitation in the slammer OR think regular contact with visitors significantly enhances an inmate’s quality of life and establishes a lifeline between the inmate and the free community. Believing that ties with loved ones are critical to inmates’ successful return to the community, and visiting helps maintain these relationships.
I think prisoners deserve -0- rights.
After all aren’t people serving time for doing crimes supposed to lose the rights and privileges law-abiding folk enjoy? For better or worse, marriage is still a sacred institution, one that certainly should not be celebrated or officiated in a penal institution
Once we allow marriages behind bars, aren’t we opening a proverbial can of worms in the can, and inviting requests to host other significant ceremonies in the slammer?
Prison isn’t supposed to be fun. We don’t allow inmates to vote, or dine out or catch the latest movie at the multiplex and we shouldn’t permit them to get married or have conjugal visits while incarcerated.
Isn’t the divorce rate high enough in this country?
Conjugal visits should be abolished because, in prison, some inmates are “situational homosexuals.” When an inmate’s spouse or lover comes for a conjugal visit, HIV can be brought into the prison or taken out to the community beyond the prison gates.
Condoms are not handed out in prison for conjugal visits. The visit is scheduled in a room or trailer and that is the only duty of the prison system. They don’t care if safe sex is performed.
What about the children that are born because of a conjugal visit? Who is going to support that single parent? Food stamps, welfare and aid for dependant children? Is that fair to the community to have to pay for that? Then there is the question of whether children should be separated from their incarcerated parents or exposed to prisons. The effects of such visits on the child when the visit ends, the effects on the child of seeing the often frightening physical structure of prisons, and the possible long-term effects on the child of living in a prison for short or long periods of time are all significant issues
The current states that allow conjugal visits are: California Connecticut Mississippi New Mexico New York & Washington
Reserve the real ball and chain for the prisoners, and leave matrimony and sex to those who can flourish in the union on the outside