Pro-Life=Fundamentalist Moron

Curtis’ pro-life stance is merely one of an entire chorus of reasons to label him a fundamentalist moron, so what’s the big deal?

[shrug] How could that not be part of the fundamentalist package? Jesus told Christians to evangelize.

But he did not command them to be sanctimonious pricks about it.

It was very strongly implied; Jesus was a sanctimonious prick.

Little lord twatleroy speaks.

Little kids are meant to be seen and not heard, you fucking twat.

Dude, if you don’t learn some appropriate social skills before your balls drop, someone is going to punch your fucking lights out. That’s a given. The variable is how many people will volunteer to drive this someone to your house, hold your arms behind your back, act as an alibi or otherwise provide material assistance to this person in their quest to teach you some manners.

Now, I don’t approve of literal cluesticking, but if you don’t learn to not slag people’s wives I suggest you buy some icepacks and start saving up for the reconstructive surgery now, before you age out of your parents medical insurance.

WTF, kid?

You’re a fundie jackass.

not really, he socialized with whores and tax collectors, basically the scum of society.

Hey, ain’t nothing wrong with whores.

I think this about covers my feeling about it:

I feel like I’m looking at an Escher print

I kinda like his logic.

“if you’re [sic] truly think something is evil or immoral or wicked you …” only in my case it would end with “curb stomp them to death”.

Right? Because I truly feel I need to do it… means I **should **do it… and anyone who doesn’t agree is wrong. Works for me. I think annoying people in emotional distress is “wicked”.

So, kiddo, see that curb?

Assume the position.

Curtis, I have a confession for you.

At 14, I used to be you.

No, seriously. As a 14 year old, I used to spend my time arguing my conservative Christian beliefs on message boards. Granted, this was back when a BBS was something you dialed into with a 2400 baud modem. But it was effectively the same thing. I was young, sharp, and extremely passionate about what I believed. Emphasis on that first one.

I turned into a 30 year old atheist skeptic.

To the members of the Colorama BBS in central New Jersey in the mid 90s, I apologize. To Curtis, well… there’s not much I can do to convince you. I just hope you listen a little bit in between all passionate posts trying to get the rest of us to repent.

Holy shit! It does look like one!

But she has a point about the tax collectors…

[OT] is it just me, or has the Matryoshka doll quotation thing really exploded here lately?[/OT]

I blame Giraffe. Truly.

As someone who is also pro-life, I do agree with you that abortion is not something that I would condone or encourage, but I would like to make some suggestions on a better way to approach the issue that hopefully won’t cause such attacks.

I don’t think it is helpful to talk about what contraception the person should have been using once they’re already pregnant. What’s done is done.
Try to focus on what you can do now to try to get someone to think about abortion in a different way.
For example, A LOT of people really have no idea about fetal development. It might be helpful to try to find an unbiased source of information on fetal development to show them so that they really understand what they’re doing. For example, I really like the Babycenter Fetal Development page.
Since the site has nothing to do with promoting or trying to stop abortion, they describe the details of development in a pretty unbiased way in my opinion.
There are a lot of people out there who think abortion is fine when they’re picturing their fetus as a “blob of cells” but if you can inform them that their fetus actually has a beating heart and fingers and toes (which most of the time is the case by the time someone is planning an abortion) that does make a difference for some.

In the case of the person you were talking to on this other bulletin board, I would have also shown them a site like (a site that is not run by pro-lifers but instead was created by a pro-choice woman to offer support to other women) to show that abortion can have a pretty serious emotional effect on people too. I would suspect that a woman who is prone to post-partum depression is also at high risk of problems coping after an abortion too. It’s not like pregnancy hormones only have an effect starting at birth.

I am very much opposed to abortion, but I still feel that just because someone is thinking about abortion doesn’t mean they’re evil. A lot of times it means that they’re young, scared, or just don’t have much information about alternatives. In those settings, you can do a lot of good by presenting information about other options in a positive and friendly way.

Is that those little Russian nesting doll things, where each fits into the previous one?
