Pro-Life=Fundamentalist Moron

Believe me Curtis LeMay, one day you will look back and see that Marley23 is right on this one. I say this because I believe you to be an intelligent young man.

A better title for this thread would have been:

Fundamentalist = Moron

Guin, using a synonym for “fuck” doesn’t get you around the ban against telling posters to fuck themselves. Don’t do this again.

No warning issued.

I bow to the clear superior wisdom of a 14 year old boy’s thoughts on the female reproductive system. From now on I shall be sure to consult with said 14 year boy when making all of my reproductive choices.


Cool :slight_smile:


Hello, Phil’s Abortion Agency! You rape 'em, we scrape 'em, no fetus can beat us! :slight_smile:
Pizza: Abortion on toast!
Have you heard about the new federally-funded no-frills abortion kit? A hungry rat on a string!

See, that’s the kind of abortion-related thing I dug when I was 14.

And it’s much, much healthier, really.

Curtis, you take offense at being called a “fundamentalist moron”; now put yourself on the shoes of the persons involved in the abortion you mentioned and see yourself called a “wicked murderer” (for extra points try to internalize the anguish such a decision induces in a person).

Does that tickle your outrage receptors? no?, keep at it until you get a sense of empathy for your fellow human beings.

It doesn’t matter a flea’s fart if the OP of the other thread was anguished or not. I don’t give a fuck if to him and his wife, getting an abortion was a mildly annoying regular expense, like getting an oil change.

Said 14 yr old will pay for the upkeep of this kid he has decided you should have.If he assumes the responsibility of deciding whether you should have it ,i assume he wants to pay for it and help raise it. Those are not the decisions of the potential parent, but should be made by people from the outside who have a better understanding of all the ramifications.

Hey, I posted a fix like eleven hours ago. It’s not my fault none of you know how to install a vB mod. :wink:

Indeed. Which is why I don’t feel bad telling you that you are an awful person, and a complete fucking retard to boot.

If ever there was an OP that would have been improved by the liberal application of a tazer at the end, it was this one. Did it happen? Of course not.

There is no justice in this world.

Curtis someday I hope you grow up enough to realize what a hideous thing you did. Really - disgusting.

I was beginning to wonder whatever happened to Curtis LeMay, seeing how he had dropped off this board for about a month.

Seriously though, when are you going to learn that a silly old book does not have the secret truth about absolute morality? How about, y’know, actually critically thinking about what effects your actions have?

Oh, god, that’s painful to read. Curtis, why did you go back and ask them if they used condoms and about the Pill? As was pointed out, an IUD is a highly effective contraceptive that, unluckily for the couple in question, happened to fail. Asking them about condoms and the Pill is especially silly since they are in the unlucky position of an unwanted pregnancy. And this couple really can’t cope with another child/pregnancy. Other than offering words of sympathy or support, there were really no other reasons to post in that thread.

Oh yes there were reasons. He obviously wanted to demonstrate perfect understanding of birth control methods and innate empathy for the reproductive decisions of other people.

Yeah. That’s it.

Presumably he thought the SDMB would be more sympathetic (sympathy towards fundies is…not an outstanding trait); apparently not. It was no doubt a mistake for him to post a link so everyone could see.

I’m thinking that would depend on whose uterus were being gored . . .

If Mary Magdalene had skipped a period, probably something like this.

I thought you *were * a Fundamentalist. What’s the problem?

I don’t think that quite works. We all know Yoda was a space Jew and Degoba an undeveloped part of Florida.

Back To Curtis

It’s morons like you who give religion a bad name. I believe in that G-d led me forth from bondage in Egypt. I believe He guides me and tells me things. Not once has He told me to be a flaming asshole. Apparently, He’s told you exactly that.

1: There is no way in hell that Curtis LeMay is a fourteen year old boy. The language he uses and the worldly knowledge displayed in this and other threads indicate a person of vastly advanced years. Something smells funny. :rolleyes:

2: Coming here for validation (?) and posting a link to the offending thread on the other board smells awfully strange to me too. Given the (general) lack of success of his other threads on this board, I wonder what purpose he felt that this one might serve? :rolleyes:

3: I have no doubt that our chains are being collectively yanked. :wink:

Have a good day.

Curtis I’m going to go against the rest of the opinions here and say if you as fundamentlist feel you must show people the error of their ways go for it. But do it the right way, you need to build up your debating skills.
Your 14 so that would make you what a freshman this year? High school is the best place to start to build your skills as there is no bigger hive of scum and villany than your average High school. Try to start with someone who has limited reasoning skills, I would suggest the Senior Quarterbacks girlfriend, as they are usually not that smart. Tell her the evils of fornication, sell her big on the firey pit for eternity, tell her she is also sending her boyfriend to Hell. Try to make her cry. This will set the pace for your high school years and establish you as a known entity.
When you accomplish this get back to us and let us know how it’s going. I await your update.