Problem with a plasma ball [edited title]

Hi everyone

I just bought my Plasma ball but when I turn it ON it gives a loud sound and the outside glass’s color is red and no blue elecrtric arcs are found.

But when I warm the glass with my hands, and turn it ON, it makes a lot of thin blue arcs and red spots on the glass and it works just fine, but after a while the number of the arcs begin to decrease and fade away untill it is gone,

and the glass turns red again, the loud sound (zzzzzzzz) turns again, and no blue electricity

Can anybody help me please, I love this ball.

This question was appended to a (very) old thread, and didn’t add anything to the old discussion, so I’ve split it out into a new thread of its own.

Sounds like the internal gas is being lost. Warm it up and the remaining gas functions as designed.

Impossible, since the interior of the globe is at a near vacuum. If anything, the internal gas has gotten too “thick” with atmosphere that has leaked in.

Still, it sounds like an electronics problem to me.

Take it back to the store. Unless many weeks have gone by, they have to replace defective merchandise.
For very old plasma globes, the gas mixture does change. Air can leak in, giving a green or violet glow. With gas contamination, the trigger volts goes up, and the globe may not glow except when someone puts their hand on top.

But also the original gas molecules can be driven into the electrode surface by the high voltage, which reduces pressure for that gas (called “Ion Pump” effect.) HeNe laser tubes fail for the same reasons: either they turn purple from air contamination, or the electrode surfaces scavange up the helium atoms because of ion pumping.

Usually you get red colored ionization when you put something conductive/capacitative, such as a finger, on the surface of the globe.
Have you tried cleaning your globe with windex/409/or the like? It may have conductive/capacitative crap from the manufacturer on it.

If cleaning doesn’t work, return the globe to the store, it’s defective.

First thing, thank you guys for everything

Second, the problem is still found, when I turn my plasma ON a sound like (you know when a gas passes through a pipe), it makes a sound like that
and in the dark the outside of the ball is red colored, when I touch it with my finger, the red color is found only around my finger and it makes only one blue dancing arc to my finger, when it begins to be hot. I remove my finger to find it as it was (red color and a loud gas in the pipe sound, no blue no green just red :()

I used to clean it, but no difference

It only works fine when I heat the glass with my hands and turn it ON :frowning:
If it is an electronics problem till me I think I can fix it.