Product categories no longer advertised on TV?


I’m not sure I ever saw Wilkins Coffee growing up. But I learned about them when viewing a retrospective exhibit of Jim Henson’s career in Atlanta’s Center for Puppetry Arts Museum a few years back.

Tref-lan. From E-LAN-CO! Da-da-da-da-da!



Space Food Sticks.


Remington Hot Rollers.(for hair)

Remington Floating Head razors

Mattel Tommy guns and other such toys that can get kids shot by the police nowadays.

BB guns (not really toys).

Lionel electric trains.

Radial Flyer wagons.

Schwinn bicycles.

Polaroid Swinger (camera).

Kodak Instamatic (another camera).

Flash cubes (for cameras).

Hershey’s chocolate syrup (once flogged by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans).


Bonomo’s Turkish taffy.

Cracker Jack. “Candy-coated popcorn, peanuts, and a prize. That’s what you get from Cracker Jack!”

Kit-Kat, “the slapstick candy bar.”

Milky Way, “the good food candy bar.”

Hershey’s, “the great American chocolate bar.”

Wonder bread

Noxema Medicated Comfort Shave. “Take it off. Take it all off!”

Hai Karate after shave and cologne.

Prell shampoo.

Pepsodent toothpaste.

Maybe not on TV (I know, the OP did specify “on TV”). But I’m fairly certain I have seen those ads play before or in the middle of YouTube videos within the past few months.

Actually maybe that’s why you don’t see some of these on TV anymore – they’ve realized their target audience doesn’t watch live TV anymore; they watch YouTube videos.

Some on your list are good, but I’m looking for products that a.) used to be advertised on TV b.) aren’t anymore but c.) are still sold. Dead technologies don’t count.

You can’t buy flash cubes any more?!? :astonished: Shit! :anguished:

I’ll bet you can’t buy film any more, either. :angry:

Volkswagen Beetles?

Opel Kadets?

AMC Matadors/Hornets/Pacers?

Ford Pintos? :thinking:

Rice-A-Roni. I haven’t seen a TV ad in ages, but I still see it at the grocery store.

Kit-Kat commercials are back now, but there did seem to be maybe 10-15 years when they were gone (around the 1990s?). I might have missed them due to my own changing viewing habits at the time, though.

Actually, on that note, Chevy revived the Impala name in the early 2000s and until last year was still making them, but I can’t recall them advertising the Impala on TV in recent memory. I guess that doesn’t quite count since they don’t actually make them anymore.

But I haven’t seen any TV ads for the new Ford Maverick pickup, all I’ve seen about it has been from YouTube car review channels. But that could be because I hardly ever watch live TV anymore.

Home Permanents

Cigarette advertising was banned in 1971, or at least direct commercials were. They sneak it in by sponsoring sporting events.

I remember the “People For The American Way” PSA; don’t see those any more, and haven’t seen a “Foundation for a Better Life” PSA in a while either.

I just wish they would do away with prescription drug advertising. Have I mentioned that it’s ethically inappropriate on so many levels? Oh, yeah, like an infectious disease specialist isn’t going to know about Biktarvy, or an oncologist won’t know about Keytruda.

Riffing off of terentii’s general idea: how about television commercials for film cameras in general? Still sold as specialty products nowadays, but there were tons of camera commercials up until at least the late 1990s.

Only … from the mind … of MINOLTA.” Spiffy ad for 1981.

Kodak Disc Camera ad (remember those?), circa mid-1980s.

Canon Eos Rebel Camera ad starring Andre Agassi: “Image is everything

Okay, now you are actively threadshitting. I’ve flagged your post.

Also, they aren’t yet available for sale (they only started production three weeks ago), so other than doing some teasers, there isn’t much need to advertise them yet. The Maverick is going to be introduced for the 2022 model year, and is expected to go on sale by the end of this year.

“The San Franciscco treat! Clang-clang!”

Sorry, didn’t mean to. Won’t happen again.

(Beetles are still being made, though, aren’t they? They’ve just been redesigned.)

When I was a kid, my sibs and I would beg our mother to buy and cook some, but she never did.

That was one of the first things I bought when I moved out on my own, and found out why. UGH! That stuff is NASTY IMNSHO.

You can, but they’re harder to find.

I’d take that bet if it were offered to me. Here in SoCal I see those ads all the time. Three-ish different ads in the last couple of years, in fact.

To the OP: more on local channels, but how about travel agents?

I have, but more with panty liners.

Nope, just last month. They are kinda cute.

Now it is “Give me a break…”