Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Nintendo DS) - My God, the addiction...

I’m just now coming off a massive bender having played this game almost into the ground.

Basically, it’s a long series of small puzzles, dressed up with a mystery tale, some RPG-type hunting elements, and some beautiful art. Puzzle mavens will recognize many as “old favorites,” but there’s a lot of variety: logic puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, sliding block puzzles, probability problems, spatial visualization puzzles, geometry problems, and a lot more.

I don’t think I’ve played something so intensely in a LONG time. Lucky for me that you can download new weekly puzzles through the DS’s WiFi capabilities.

If all of you don’t go out and buy this game, and the sequels never get translated Stateside, I’m going to be VERY cross with all of you!

Thanks for posting this. I hadn’t heard about this game, but it sounds good. My fiancee likes games like Brain Age, Phoenix Wright, etc, so this might be a good one for her.

This sounds awesome. I bought Puzzle Quest for my husband for Christmas and he’s totally addicted. This sounds like something he will love. Off to bookmark it!

Bwahaha! Excellent! Two more sales!

I’ve seen nothing but praise for this game in the forum for this title, which is VERY rare, considering the tastes that generally seem to dominate that place.

Puzzle lovers, BUY THIS GAME. Go, now! Go on! Shoo!

Bought it yesterday… oh man, I’ve been playing whenever I get the chance. Some of these puzzles! The matchstick ones are driving me mad (well, the dog one was easy but the next one? I know the answer to the question but how do I move the single match to represent it!?)

If it’s the puzzle I’m thinking of, here’s a bit of general puzzle advice that’ll serve you well in many puzzles, both in and out of the game:

Do not make unnecessary, limiting assumptions. It’s like that puzzle where you have the nine dots in a square, and you have to connect them with only four straight lines. That one hinges on the fact that many people assume you can’t draw the lines outside of the square formed by the dots, and nothing in the puzzle said you couldn’t.

I bought it yesterday also on your recommendation. I seem to be burning through it decently (how many puzzles are there anyhow?).
The one that threw me for a while was the digital clock on the clocktower.
It asked how many times in a day will there be 3 consecutive identical numbers showing.

I didn’t realize that 11:10, 11:11, 11:12, 11:13 etc were considered individual times since the 1s stayed in place from 11:10 to 11:19

Man, I feel silly now. I just realized how to do it, while I was half asleep on the bus to work. I left my gameboy at home though, so that’ll have to wait until I get home late tonight.

Me + head cold + puzzles = not going very far

A quick question: Are there multiple save slots so that the fiancee & I can each have our own games going? We hate when this isn’t available, it was the one thing that I really didn’t like about Elite Beat Agents.

Also, here’s Penny Arcade’s take on things :D. (NSFW language).

Yup, there are three slots to save in.

There are a total of 135 within the game.

That plus however many WiFi downloadable ones Nintendo decides to release. :slight_smile:

So what you’re saying is that you didn’t realize that 11:10 is a different time than 11:19? You’re late for a lot of things, aren’t you? :smiley: (Of course, I missed the 11:12 thing ENTIRELY my first time around, so maybe I’m not one to talk…)