Proud Member of the SDMB "99'ers"!

Join Date: 03-16-1999
Member #: 251


I was also on the AOL boards, though not with as much dedication as I’ve given here. My first thread there was, “Why does BASF advertise on television if they don’t sell any products?” or something to that effect.

Joined – 5/20/99
Member Number – 1163

I remember when I joined, I was wearing an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time…

You rang?

Join Date: 03-27-1999
Member #: 387

First posted on the AOL board just prior to the First Semiannual SDMB Masked Chat.

I know he had been displaying a bit more vitriol than usual and received a few warnings because of it. I’m guessing he left voluntariliy rather than end up being banned.

#41 checking in, with .99 posts per day.

Guess that means I was sitting right there when they booted the new web server on that fateful eleventh day of March.

Evidently, I misquoted. The article just referenced that line, not the entire column. Mom showed it to me one summer on the Vineyard, so we looked for the book in the library.


Member #731, 4-20-99, although I spent a little bit of time on the AOL boards before this one existed. Who else remembers the brain from the front page of the old AOL site?

A link to a very old thread that gives the who’s-who of #1-20

That thread was posted back in 2000 and was authored by Satan…ah, yes. He was one of my favs, too, dammit.

Heh heh–I’m amused seeing this name in the tpo 20: Cyberian54. And…right after that…Cyberian55. Okay, which of you old-timers just choked on your ensure at the sight of that name?

BTW…this screenname is #3797. I have no clue what “LauraRae” would’ve been–it’s apparently long since been deleted.

Another lurker checking in…

Hi. I’m number 2680.

I haven’t been around much lately, but I still exist. That counts for something, right?

Damn you Kat, Damn You! (shaking fist in air)

And a “Damn You! Damn you to Hell too!” (Shaking * OTHER* fist at Whitetho.

Oh, and I’m sorry, but I always mistakenly read your username as Whiteho (White Ho) until I do a double take and realize it’s Whitetho.

Bring it on! Bring in on I say!

Aww Man! Not again! (E3 walks away muttering under his breath)

Well Crap! You guys are coming out of the woodwork now! That’s what I get for bragging about being #3.



Boy you guys just keep piling it on!


Lurker here. I do check the board most every day. Just not a lot to say.

I was lurking the columns since Cecil answered a question by someone I knew here in Prague about Tycho Brahe . Then I lurked the boards when it first got started, but never signed up.

I, too, coulda been a contender…

Should we start a ‘me too’ group of 1999 lurkers? the Me 2…thousanders?


Aren’t elders supposed to be quiet and reserved? We just sit here and watch.

If someone really deserves it, I’ll hurl expired passwords at them.


I found the website by seeing the Straight Dope TV show on A&E. I was logging into the website to see the articles and only found the MB after a few months. A few months more of lurking and seeing the fun that everyone was having and I registered.

My whopping .15 post count/day doesn’t really do justice to my participation here. I don’t feel that I contribute much when I pop in to say “Oh, yeah, that’s odd.” I have however been reading almost every weekday since I registered. I’m sure my read count would be right up there…

And I’d be up to - geeez - 400 or so by now…

I was SO bummed when I saw that I missed out on making the “less than four-digit member number” clique by 2. Clearly a readheaded stepchild in these parts.

But you’re welcome.

We’re all friends here (mostly).

Don’t be shy.