psst...unpopular posters, over here

Where I obviously didn’t do real good at spelling. That’s schooL.

I was the first to reply to coldfire’s thread and you were on my list, so…

::whining plaintively::

Put me on yooooooour liiiiiist!

Gee, am I pathetic, or what?

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, dogs are from Pluto.

Popularity is for losers.

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error.

Anonymity is the friend of the verbally caustic. WOO HOO!

I like to think that I would be number one on everybody’s list, except they can’t remember how to spell my username. :slight_smile:

IRL, it’s not really my goal to be a popular poster (though I don’t see I hate the idea of people liking me.) For one thing, you need a lot of posts. And to get people to really know you, it’s helpful to post details on your private life, which is not something I really like to do in detail on a messsage board.

La franchise ne consiste pas à dire tout ce que l’on pense, mais à penser tout ce que l’on dit.
H. de Livry


Hit the send button too soon.

I meant “I don’t say I hate the idea of people liking me.”

Also that it’s not enough to have a lot of posts to be considered a favourite, it helps if they’re good posts, i.e. funny or informative. I did notice that people like CKDextHavn or tomndebb don’t get a lot of nominations, even though they usually have excellent and well-reasoned posts.

La franchise ne consiste pas à dire tout ce que l’on pense, mais à penser tout ce que l’on dit.
H. de Livry

I’m probably not gushy or flirty enough to get a mention as a “popular” poster. I also don’t flame. Nor am I flaming. That and the fact that MPSIMS is not my favorite forum. Maybe I need to use more smileys. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Don’t worry divemaster. I have the name recognition but not the popularity points. It’s ok. Go to the nobody loves me thread. :slight_smile:


BTW, I suppose I am flaming.

PPS. Thanks for voting for me tatertot

Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

I never make anyone’s list either. I don’t post enough, and I use my real name. BORING!!

Oh, yeah, and like divemaster, I’m not flirty or gushy or flamey (sp?).

Clearly, all things I need to work on.

Oooh, Canthearya, I’m sorry I didn’t put you on my list! I thought about it, honest I did, but then I remembered that you went to Heidelberg High, aka Snob Central. Not that I’m still bitter about that one little incident between me and those 3 snotty girls on the bus back from the journalism contest. Nope, I’m not bitter at all.

Divemaster and Eden: Yep, better work on all those things. Cause popularity is everything! So flirt, flame, make stuff up if you have to, just do whatever it takes to get popular. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry, tatie-tot.

I’m not hurt.


See why I called it the “dreaded” popularity thread? Somebody always gets hurt.

There, there Canthearya, I know getting my vote probably would have made your day. What can I say besides I’m sorry? And that I’ll send you a whole carton of Kinder Eggs. Plus a whole plastic tub of Gummis. Forgive me? :slight_smile:

Well, I love everybody. Even Omniscient, who said I was an idiot.

Big hugs & long wet kisses to everyone, popular & not!!!

What he said. :slight_smile:

Well, two of my favorite posters are Archie Winklered, uh, Ardis Winkanrod, uh . . .

and ruhad, uh, raudh, uh . . .

Nevermind. :wink:


Fiat Justina

aaaahh, here’s all of MY people!

Funny, three of the posters discussed here are people that I said I most admired back when I was still fairly new to this message board.

I get the feeling we are the quiet worker bees that make the world run smoothly. I find that by the time I compose an addition to some thread, someone else has already made the same point. It seems kind of pointless to reiterate someone else’s views.

To add to my previous post, I still admire them.

Scarred, so what’s your point? :wink:

tot that is tater-like in nature said:

Please, please don’t play with my emotions. If you did this for me, not only would I forgive you, I would worship you!!!


Seriously. I would love a tub of those flat coke gummis. Do you remember them? You can get the other, little kind at stores back here… I want the flat ones.

I’ll pay ya double + shipping for them!

::wringing drool from shirt::*