psst...unpopular posters, over here

I see that our Dutch friend, Coldfire, has started one of those dreaded “most popular” posters threads. Okay, since I know that I’ll never get mentioned, I’ve decided to create this alternate thread for us regular folk to gather and commiserate. So, if you’ve never made on of those top posters lists, if nobody ever talks about you in their IRL meetings, post here. As a bonus, the first five posters to reply get to be my favorites (its as good a selection process as any other I could think of).

BTW, this thread is not inspired by any lingering bitterness I have left over from high school. No, that’s not it at all. :wink: all. :wink:

Hey tatertot. Never been on anyone’s list…

Oh, and I don’t have “issues” related to high school either…really…honest…no, really, I mean it…

“If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now.”

I like both of you too. :slight_smile:


Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

Psssst… being popular is really easy… you guys need to learn to swear a lot, and get some very opinionated points of view :slight_smile:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

LOL you are my kinda girl Tater!!

I am me… accept it or not.

I’ve never been on anyone’s list, but I lurk a lot. CHEERS!

“Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair…”
Tom Waits

I just want to be one of tatertot’s favorites.

Well, shut my mouth. It’s also illegal to put squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling.

::sniffle:: No one wants to be my friend ::sniffle:: I’ll just sit in the corner here by myself ::sniffle::

No issues left from high school over here, either! No, sir!

I like everyone on the board. Even the trolls can be entertaining (in small doses, that is).

Never attribute to malice anything that can be attributed to stupidity.
– Unknown

I’ve been picked as a favorite poster a couple of times, and I have been mentioned in at least one meeting, but I think that’s more because of my interesting user name than anything else…

“That’s entertainment!” —Vlad the Impaler

Doll, c’mon you know you’re on Otis’ list; what more could you possibly want?

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.


I like all three of ya.

Can I hang around for a while?

This space for rent.

Whhat the hell? when I posted there were only two of you.

This space for rent.

I voted for Cecil on the other list. Hope he wins…

Hey tatertot, check the “Popular Posters” thread. You’re in!

Never attribute to malice anything that can be attributed to stupidity.
– Unknown

I’ve been mentioned a few times, but only in the last month. Can I be an honorary outsider?

I have plenty of memories from high school. :smiley:

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Well, UncleBeer when you put it that way…any answer would be incriminating other than saying,“Oh, that is all I’ll ever want, to be on Otis’ list”.
Thanks ~ :wink:

“Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair…”
Tom Waits

Dang, that was fast!

And Coldfire, you are persona non grata here, shoo. I was going to visit you in Amsterdam this Spring, but since I didn’t make your silly list, I’m afraid that I shan’t be able to make it. (Unless of course, your offer of Stroopwaffeln still stands)

Since there was way more than five of you, I’ll just pick the first five who haven’t made it on anybody else’s list yet.

Hey…I made somebody’s list!! Listen, gang, it was great hanging out with ya’ll, but their calling me over at the popular kid’s table. Listen…I’ll call ya, okay? :slight_smile:

Well, here’s my hang-up left over from high school: I so despised the vacuous, giggly, hair-tossing cheerleader brigade that I could imagine no worse fate than to be like them and, thus, popular.

Now I keep an eye on the “Posters I Love” threads, but frankly feel a small satisfaction that I am not on anyone’s warm fuzzy list. I’m not dissing “the cool kids,” many of whom I like, but I see no reason to aspire to be one of them.

I just threw this in so my thread would have more posts than Coldfire’s. Not that I’m competing with him or anything…

jodih - I used to beat up cheerleaders in high schoo. :wink:

“If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now.”