We’ve all heard the stories, but has there even been a documented, hard-evidence case of a psychic being brought in to help police solve a crime, where the psychic actually helped with no prior inside knowledge? As in, the psycic either found the corpse, or predicted the next one, or found the killer, etc.
Rosebud knew you were going to ask that question!
I recall reading, some years ago, about a Dutch criminologist who did a massive study about these psychics attempting to assist in criminal investigations. His conclusions were that in NOT ONE SINGLE case, did a “psychic” ever provide the location of a body, or ever actually provide evidence leading to apprehension of a perpetrator.
This pretty much tallies with what I see in the newspapers-these “psychics” are frauds. Any success is probably due to chance.
Actually, for a brief second Rosebud thought, “My God, somebody bumped my first ever thread?!”
yak, several people posted several interesting links in the older thread. They’re definitely worth following; one is an article by our own David B.
There was a Cecil’s Mailbag article on this topic earlier this year. I’m guessing it was in response to Rosebud’s thread, but it wasn’t linked in there…
Oops. Didn’t see the earlier thread. Thanks for pointing it out!